Anyone goto camera clubs?

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Hi all,
I've just been to my first camera club - my first gathering of "real" photographers in one place. It was at a working mans club, the average age was 65 or thereabouts, but it was good fun. They were a really nice bunch. A chap did a talk, showing a load of his (excellent) images. Next week is a workshop on portraiture which should be excellent.

Anyone go to their local club?

My local one's been going for nigh on 20 years, until I found out it existed last year... at which point it shut down. :ponders:
GfK...Whoops! Whereabouts are you based? I found the best way to track them down was to look on my local Council's website. In the events or local organisations section, there should be a list of ones near to you.

feenster said:
GfK...Whoops! Whereabouts are you based? I found the best way to track them down was to look on my local Council's website. In the events or local organisations section, there should be a list of ones near to you.

I'm in Bawtry (south of Doncaster).
IanC_UK said:
I havent been to a camera club, but i keep meaning too ! my work means i am 9 times out of 10 not in the area when they run ! lol

Useful link

another useful link

Oih, you've attended two of the TPF camera club meets.:nut:

You can book onto a jessops studio session too, I'll see if I can find a link for it.
I'm usually too busy to get tied down to specific times but I'd love to give one a try.

I have learned most of what I know from forums like these but it would be nice to go hunting with a pack!
Yep I've managed to get into a local camera club, great mixed bunch of people who like all photography be it B&W, Colour film, Slides (I thought that had died out) how wrong could I have been!!!! And digital as well.
Talking of slide film has anyone got any good tips for working with slide film as I've never used it before and there's a club comp I'd like to enter next month. (Not that I will win just want to have a go at something a little different)
I have never been to one and not sure if we have one in Sheffield......

It would be interesting to go along to one but doubt I would find the time to attend on a regular basis.
Thanks for the links. Turn's out there are a few clubs a lot closer to me, so I might have a look at those next week.

has anyone got any good tips for working with slide film

You need to get the exposure absolutley bang on, so if you're not 100% sure then bracket. In fact, if you have enough film then bracket anyway. Once you're used to the flexibilty of digital you'll probably want the options of a few varying frames. Don't let the highlights get lost, if you overexpose vital bright areas then the slide is going in the bin.

You'll also find that when working with tranny film a shift in exposure as small as half a stop will have quite a large affect so bracket by half or third stops to start with, to see what you get. Even if that means taking 5 frames of each shot.

Oh, and if you can still get some Velvia 50, it responds well to being rated at 40 ISO instead of 50.


D :)
I used to under-expose slide film by 1/2 a stop by just adjusting the ISO accordingly. As Daz says though, you can be caught out when photographing dark objects so you do need to be careful and bracket sometimes but over-exposure is the enemy.
Camera clubs vary between being helpful friendly places, and very cliquey ones where there's a built in pecking order, the pinnacle of which is often a small band of authoritarian figures who sit up the corner covered in cobwebs and who's opinions are beyond question. They're also all photographic legends in their own lunchtimes. ;)

One of the great things about the swing to digital is we've all had to re-learn the game so you'll see less of the 'know it all' approach these days I suspect. The company of other photographers to explain things 'hands on' is a great help though, if you can find the right bunch of people.
CT said:
...... and very cliquey ones where there's a built in pecking order, the pinnacle of which is often a small band of authoritarian figures who sit up the corner covered in cobwebs and who's opinions are beyond question. They're also all photographic legends in their own lunchtimes. ;)

I know the club you speak of. I arrived for the first time and knowing nothing took my Dimage 7i along with me.

[sniff]digital you say, well that's not REAL photography[/sniff]

Never went back :annoyed:
[sniff]digital you say, well that's not REAL photography[/sniff]

Pah! Just as capable of producing the grey & grey images that are the staple diet of these clubs as the good old clockwork stuff they normally use. ;)

As has been said, there are some really good clubs too. I've done a few presentations and some judging for my local mob. Sure they are all about 115 years old but I doubt you'll find a more varied or open minded club.
One thing that did annoy me about it, was that everyone was referred to by their name, but then their awards afterwards. I.e.
"For subscriptions, see Dorothy Cheeseman FRPS/DPAGB/LRPS" etc

I've often assumed I have a Camera Underused Nothing Taken award with the number of people who direct its acronym at me...
I had a look into my local club. It has a terrible website. Its full of old people. They had some ok images, and some good ones. I have nothing against old people with film cameras doddering about taking shots of the Lake District, but they're not my type of people. They haven't grown up in the way we have. I need to hang out with my peers really, and not feel like a kid in some retirement club :)
Pete, I know what you mean, and i'd love a photography buddy similar to me nearby. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any :( <plays violin>

We could start a Photography Forums hippy commune I guess, and move into huts in a pine forest with flowing streams, an abundance of squirrels, all day morning sunlight, and free lenses (Canon only ;))
feenster said:
Pete, I know what you mean, and i'd love a photography buddy similar to me nearby. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any :( <plays violin>

We could start a Photography Forums hippy commune I guess, and move into huts in a pine forest with flowing streams, an abundance of squirrels, all day morning sunlight, and free lenses (Canon only ;))

Count me in :D

Not too far from you actually, quick trip down the '62.
Marcel, excellent. I was thinking perhaps of a marriage of Budhism and Photography. Basically, we just take pictures and use the religion as an excuse not to work.

If you fancy meeting up at some point actually, that would be good. You have a nice selection of L glass I could pilfer ;)
No but I know someone who does, and he's away alot :p
Dodgy window locks, and I think he's insured :p
feenster said:
If you fancy meeting up at some point actually, that would be good.

Get a room you two.... :woot: ........... :LOL:
Hush you ;) And there will be no jokes about the length of his lens either please.

'arrogate boy eh?
You can join the party then :D
Yep, up to 4 in this area so far (assuming you are wanting to be roped in Busterboy ;)). Would be good to meet up, perhaps as was suggested in another thread, somewhere in the Calder Valley in Autumn.

Feenster where was the club?

I'm in sunny Heckmondwike so not too far from you (assuming you are this side of Huddersfield)

I know Batley have one but they are only open Sept-May iirc
The club was at Normanton, the other side of Wakefield. I did look at going to the Huddersfield one, which is run at Kirkheaton, and the Dewsbury one which runs at the Town Hall I think.

BTW, I live in Mirfield, so very much your side of Huddersfield :)
