Anyone heard of ?

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Hello, I've been waiting for the Nikon D300 to fall under £900 before I buy, and today, according to Camerapricebuster a shop called RGB-Tech has it for £899.99. :)

According to their website, it is 'genuine UK stock, not GREY. This means supplied to the retailer by the UK distributor or manufacturer, not imported from mainland Europe or other countries including Jersey and Guernsey'.

Has anybody had any dealings with this company? I've never heard of them before. :shrug:
Thanks for the reply Gazza.

Simply Electronics are a company based in Hong Kong, and I assume sell products from Asia. Their Warranty policy leads me to this conclusion as they offer their own in house 12 month warranty. I would rather deal with Nikon direct should any problems arise, rather than sending the camera back to Hong Kong for Simply Electronics to send to Nikon.

Nikon UK will not touch a camera not bought in the UK, even if you pay them. :bonk:

So I'm looking for UK stock. ;)
ahh, i didnt realise that, I was under the impression they were UK based! Ignore me, continue :eek:
There used to be a simply electric or a very similar name that were uk based sold computer components and networking kit - went bust some time ago I think.
or for £25 more you can walk into Jessops and pick one off the shelf.......
I've set myself a £900 or below threshhold for buying the D300, for a few quid more I could have bought it months ago, but I'm trying to use some self control. ;) :LOL: I can't really afford it, and I don't 'need' it, but this way will make me feel less guilty. ;)

I'm assuming that RGB-Tech are reputable by having their price quoted on Camerapricebuster, but I'd like to hear from someone who has had some dealings with them if possible. :)
I'd recommend asking a manager at Jessops if they'd price match on a hong kong price.

Say to them you're quite aware the reasoning for the low prices of import models, but you really don't want to go above £900.
The actual camera price would be under £900, which in my self deluding mind, is a bargain by being under £900. ;) :LOL:

And it would cost me £3 to get to and from my local Jessops as well. ;) :D

Jessops do free delivery.......

So, it's eighteen quid, which is less than it'll cost in postage if you have to return it for any reason........
Get PC World / Currys to pricematch + 10% on it, that brings it down a little bit more if you want the advantages of buying from a brick and mortar store!
So, it's eighteen quid, which is less than it'll cost in postage if you have to return it for any reason........

Seriously, you'd want to save £25 instead of having guaranteed genuine UK stock, and a physical shop you can walk back into if you have any problems? Just for the pretence of self-control?

Just go buy it!
Thanks for the replies. I'm nothing if not stubborn. £900 pound is the limit at which I'll buy a D300. If I was willing to go another £30-£40, I could have had it months ago. ;)

£900 is going to take awhile to pay off, and I want to feel right about it when I buy. Call me :wacky: if you want. ;) :LOL:

So has anyone had any dealings with RGB-Tech, or have they just appeared from nowhere?
Can you not get warehouse express or jessops to match the RGB price if yo would rather get it from a more "well known" store...
Thanks for the replies. I'm nothing if not stubborn. £900 pound is the limit at which I'll buy a D300. If I was willing to go another £30-£40, I could have had it months ago. ;)

£900 is going to take awhile to pay off, and I want to feel right about it when I buy. Call me :wacky: if you want. ;) :LOL:

So has anyone had any dealings with RGB-Tech, or have they just appeared from nowhere?

So, let e get this straight, the money means a LOT to you and you'll be having to pay it up, yet rather than buy it locally,from a source you've heard of,you are prepared to take a gamble for the sake of £18?

No disrespect, but you really deserve to get ripped off:wacky:

Nikon UK will not touch a camera not bought in the UK, even if you pay them. :bonk:


Sorry, but this is not exactly accurate .. I’ve had my D200 sent to Nikon UK (camera bought from Saudi Arabia) for service and they were more than happy to cater to my needs. Even when I asked on the warrantee issue, we had a discussion about it and they said that I have to pay them, but Nikon Saudi Arabia should refund me the money (y).

Even if I don’t get a refund, Nikon UK have been very quick and supportive for my need to get my camera back ASAP.
As for the £18 price difference .. seriously dude, fork it out and put it down as "entertainment expenses upfront" or whatever :shrug:

Sure enough the D300 has dropped over £50 in the past week alone (I check camerapricebuster daily) .. but that doesn't mean it will drop any further for a while to come. Or, it could mean that there is still more room to drop. Either way, just go to Jessops and get one.
Sorry, but this is not exactly accurate .. I’ve had my D200 sent to Nikon UK (camera bought from Saudi Arabia) for service and they were more than happy to cater to my needs. Even when I asked on the warrantee issue, we had a discussion about it and they said that I have to pay them, but Nikon Saudi Arabia should refund me the money (y).

Even if I don’t get a refund, Nikon UK have been very quick and supportive for my need to get my camera back ASAP.

I assume you bought the camera personally in Saudi? If that's the case then it's completely different from a grey import. In your case (assuming you bouught froma Nikon dealer) you would be the first owner,in the case of a grey import the buyer in the UK is technically the second owner and therefore not entitled to the warranty....
Aha, ok .. yes I did buy it personally :) .. thanks for that info.
I've not delt with RGB personally but the 5D I bought 2nd hand was originally bought from them with no problems.
RGB are based in middlesbrough and I bought Bridie (my daughters) 400D from them.

They are evil men and always have time to chat when you go in and get you to spend some money lol.

Seriously Graeme and Gareth are both really nice chaps.

They do pretty good printing too.


Thanks John and Woolyback (great name btw :LOL:), good to hear from some people who have had dealings with this company.

Thanks to everyone who commented, and whilst I thank you all for your advice, I have considered everything you have said, but I have to feel comfortable which such an expensive purchase, whatever criteria I use. Be that seemingly sensible or :wacky: :LOL:

I will ask in my local photographic shops if they can match £900, if they can great, but I don't expect them to.

PS Be aware, that as soon as do I buy a D300, Nikon will announce a cashback offer within weeks knowing my luck. ;) :LOL: