anyone know where I can get this type of framed print done?

Edit My Images
I'm looking to get some prints done and would like them frame like the one below.

I found these at "Transform Your Images" but they are currently taking at least two weeks to produce them so was hoping to find an alternate quicker supplier.

any help much appreciated



They are box frames...or "float frames".

You can buy the frames from MapleFraming, or. DSP (I think that's the name).

You're print/canvas gets mounted onto a hard board, which then goes into the frame.

It's all DIY and very cheap to make.

I just bought some more today. MapleFraming in nottingham have quite a selection of sizes/colours

They are box frames...or "float frames".

You can buy the frames from MapleFraming, or. DSP (I think that's the name).

You're print/canvas gets mounted onto a hard board, which then goes into the frame.

It's all DIY and very cheap to make.

I just bought some more today. MapleFraming in nottingham have quite a selection of sizes/colours

Excellent thanks very much!