Anyone tried a lensbaby?

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Hi, Been thinking about getting one. Wondered how easy they are to operate etc... Anyone tried a lensbaby before?
Yup, Marianne on here has one and loves it.

You have said the word Lensbaby, so her inbuilt radar should be bleeping anytime soon :)
Nice... anyone please link to some pics they have taken? And do people prefer lensbaby 1.0 or 2.0? And what is this weird looking contraption 3g about?!

Have a look at Marianne's website - she has some beautiful shots on there done with the lensbaby.
beeb! my radar keeps beebing! :LOL:

here's my lensbaby albums clicky

I have a lensbaby 2

I must have another go with it again soon! I love that lens even if you lot make fun of its artistic capabilities!
Marcel must be psychic, or psycho :shrug::LOL:
beeb! my radar keeps beebing! :LOL:

here's my lensbaby albums clicky

I have a lensbaby 2

I must have another go with it again soon! I love that lens even if you lot make fun of its artistic capabilities!

Cheers Marianne! Your website is great! Looks like you had fun with it.

So does everyone think the lensbaby effect is artistic or does anyone think it is just 'blurred'?! I ask because I think I'm in the middle on it and am not sure whether to go for it or not.
Also are they easy to operate? Heard the 3G one has prongs and you can fix it to repeat results... also wondered whether anyone has tried any macro lenses on their lensbaby as I could get some cheap (rubbish quality obviously but will do the trick especially with 10+MP - a perfectionist I am not! LOL)
I must have another go with it again soon! I love that lens even if you lot make fun of its artistic capabilities!

:eek: We dont!

I love it :D
You tell me who, and I'll go get em.
Last time I mentioned Lensbaby to you I made you cry, because I mentioned the LB2 :p So did you get one in the end then?
:eek: We dont!
You tell me who, and I'll go get em.
Last time I mentioned Lensbaby to you I made you cry, because I mentioned the LB2 :p So did you get one in the end then?

Hey I wasn't making fun of it when I asked that - just wondered what photographers really thought of it...

Does that mean Marianne has a LB1 too?! That might just be in my price range so let me know how the LB1 is!
I'm sorry Marcel, I know you love my work :LOL: I reckon you either love it or hate it!

I have the lensbaby II and the macro lenses, I think I'll have a play with it today.

Someone told me that the lensbabyIII is not as good as the lensbaby II

have you been to this website clicky?

I belong to lensbaby friends and get loads of ideas and positive feedback from there :)
Does the lensbaby sit in front of a lens or is it a lens in itself?
I'm quite interested in this to be honest. It looks like a slant on the ordinary. Also if you're afraid of putting in a bit of effort then... well you can't expect to get out of the ordinary photos ;)
Does the lensbaby sit in front of a lens or is it a lens in itself?

It IS a lens in itself - the LB1 is totally manual. I don't have a LB2 or LB3 :-( but I they are all manual. They are all slightly different but the differences seem minor (aperture discs are manually inserted in LB1, magnetic levitating in LB2 and LB3 and with LB3 you have the facility of fixing the lens in exactly the same place for repeatability. Check out the specs on the lensbaby website.
I had a quick go with two modles at Focus and wasn't impressed, seems far too much effort imo.

You get used to it. And you have to use your knowledge of apertures/light intensity/fields etc... You get the hang of it. Shame I am on my work comp right now as I could have showed you some before and after shots... got my LB1 last summer and have got used to it at last. It is a really cool piece of kit. I took a portrait shot on the fly of my sister in law and she loves it - she says it was like a studio shot when in fact we were hiking up some great Welsh hill at the time.... I took a quick shot of my father-in-law and my bro-in-law sitting in that tram thing in Abergeveny and they love it... it is now in a frame in the living room. And they were just quick shots whilst 'in the field' so to speak... imagine what you could do if left to your own devices just experimenting... I also had a go with some cheap macro lens on the LB1 - very interesting effect. Got em off ebay for £8. You know the type that just screws into the filter thread... well LB themselves recommend those type of macro lenses on their website but these cheap ones are just the same I imagine.