Anyone used blank CD's recently?

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The other day, I was transferring some photos onto a spare blank CD and it seemed to take forever. Transferring 20 photos of around 6 MB each, took 30 minutes. Now, it's been a long time since I used CD's to store documents of any kind but this is ridiculously slow considering that the capacity of the CD is 700MB. I'm sure I've used these CD's in the past but I don't remember them taking that long.

Anyone have any idea why it's so slow?
What write speed are you writing it at? What discs are you using? What software are you using to burn it?

At 16x you can burn 700mb pretty quickly, certainly shouldn't take half an hour, let alone taking half an hour to burn 120mb!
What software are you using, sounds to me as if you have setup a test or selected to verify the content as well as burning the files,
Also as already said check what write speed you have selected on the drive. I can burn a 4gig DVD in around 6-7 mins
Just noticed above I mixed up my DVD and CD write speeds - most CD write speeds are 52x and your average DVD 16x.

700mb CD at 52x should take just a couple of minutes to write.
I'm not sure what speeds - I'll check when I get home. However, I haven't done anything differently that I would usually do when transferring files so I would imagine it would be near the max write speed of 52x. I simply use windows to drag and drop files so no special software.
CDWR may be on the blink - very slow write is often a sign OR the Blank may be a dud with the organic layer not good so write speed effected because of layer irregularities and the error correction on cdwriter trying to compensate - slows the write process down considerably
You weren't doing anything else strenuous on your computer at the same time? Or if a laptop moving it about causing the laser to skip?