Aperture setting

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I dont seem to be able to go to f2.8 (Tamron 90mm f2.8) as it stops at f3.3?

Really would appreciate some help/advice here?
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Sounds like an issue with either the connectors on the lens or on the camera. Have you tried a different lens yet?
Not sure on that lens, but does it have an aperture ring? If so its not come out of its highest setting, usually F22 or F32?
have you pulled the MF clutch on the lens?

Also, on that lens max aperture depends on focal length. The closer the focus the smaller the aperture (ie the number is bigger)
"I also dont seem to be able to go to f2.8 (Tamron 90mm f2.8) as it stops at f3.3?"

that's normal on modern Macro lens .. well the two I have used anyway

as Ned said - if you are very near at MFD you don't get f2.8, you get f3.3
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Not had one of these before so looks like user stupidity in not realisikng this 'feature' exists, although it is a bit freaky watching the camera randomly changing the aperture based on where I point the camera even with aperture mode set?

It is common with macro lenses, from another forum this explains it:-

F-numbers engraved on the lens indicate the aperture at infinity. As any lens focuses, the optical center (nodal point) moves away from the film plane, but the aperture diameter remains constant. But, by the inverse square law, the amount of light reaching the film plane decreases. When shooting at life size, the light loss is two stops. At ½ life size, a one-stop reduction occurs.