Apple Lightning/30 pin/Samsung Tab microUSB adapter bargain.

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I received an email about a microUSB adapter with Apple Lightning, Apple 30 pin and Samsung Tab plugs from a Chinese company called Eforchina and thought it was worth the risk at the price.
Paid £2.96 for it and it arrived in about 2 and a half weeks. Build is actually pretty good and it works with both chargers and data cables.

This is what it looks like:


For anyone who perhaps has an old iPad and iPhone 5, or iPad 4 and an older iPhone will find this very useful, even just as an alternative to the Apple microUSB Lightning adapter at a much cheaper price.
Looks gash, even if it included covers for the two unused connectors.
Looks gash, even if it included covers for the two unused connectors.

I'm of the type that functionality trumps form, if it works I don't really care what it looks like, especially when it's a tiny little thing made for a singular purpose.
Yes, but can you imagine handling the device with that thing stuck in its' charging hole?
Still, each to their own, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yadda yadda ya......still looks gash! :puke:
Yes, but can you imagine handling the device with that thing stuck in its' charging hole?

From personal experience with it, it looks and works fine with an iPad Mini, iPad 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5.

Maybe it's easier to see how it works and looks when you actually have one in the hand, especial at a fraction of the cost of the Apple equivalent.


This was a recommendation for people who might want to save money on the overpriced Apple equivalent, you do actually realise no one is compelling you to buy it, or even consider it.

You seem to have taken a vociferous stance against something you have indicated you have no interest in, you are a little strange there.
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The only strangeness going on Dave, is you deciding I can't voice an opinion unless I have an interest in whatever is being opined upon.
You offered it up as "hey guys, look at this", to which I did and then said "it looks awful".

There is no Apple equivalent, since the only Apple adapter is one which converts their proprietary 30-pin analog connector to that of the new 8-pin digital one.
This looks like it needs a microUSB cable, which Apple have never utilised on any of their products.

So rather than someone with an iPhone 5 and iPad 3 bringing both their supplied-in-the-box cables to work/wherever with them, you're suggesting they buy this microUSB multi-adapter and a microUSB-USB cable?
And you've the gall to call me strange? Pot, Kettle old bean. Pot, Kettle!
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There is no Apple equivalent, since the only Apple adapter is one which converts their proprietary 30-pin analog connector to that of the new 8-pin digital one.
This looks like it needs a microUSB cable, which Apple have never utilised on any of their products.

Posting from a position of ignorance is not a clever option.

Your aggressive attitude is quite distasteful, but I shall spare a little time to educate the ignorant.

Apple microUSB to 30pin adapter.


MicroUSB to Lightning adapter


Price to buy both, £23, price for the alternative £3.

Got it?

No thanks needed.
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Fine, I stand corrected on Apple microUSB adapters now. Thank you for setting the record straight on that point.

Quibbling over £23 for £1500+ worth of equipment is laughable.
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Fine, I stand corrected on Apple microUSB adapters now. Thank you for setting the record straight on that point.

Quibbling over £23 for £1500+ worth of equipment is laughable.

Ok Phil, no problem :).

I suppose some rich people don't mind the expense of buying the most expensive item, many of us aren't as rich and therefore it's sometimes necessary to buy cheaper alternatives that work as well.

I suppose it's the same reason shops like Lidl and Aldi exist.
Post 1 : "Ooooh, Apple connector for £3. Cheap chinese jobbie but works a treat, look!"
Post 2 : "Ewww looks ugly, but is a great alternative for those who don't care what it looks like and don't want to pay for an overpriced Apple version, thanks"

End of thread.

Here endeth the lesson in how to interact with other adults.
Ah thank yow.
Post 1 : "Ooooh, Apple connector for £3. Cheap chinese jobbie but works a treat, look!"
Post 2 : "Ewww looks ugly, but is a great alternative for those who don't care what it looks like and don't want to pay for an overpriced Apple version, thanks".

Much more concise and easier to read, thanks :D.
Nothing wrong with a few cheaper Chinese 3rd party peripherals (that don't damage - God bless review forums). I have a few odds and ends in my camera bag that work brilliantly for my needs!
Almost as laughable as giving Apple £23 for no good reason.

By extrapolation, the same prospect of buying any manufacturer's "branded" version must be true also - whether it is Sony, Asus, etc, etc.
At least with the "official" product, you know what you're getting and have some comeback, not to mention looking the part, unlike this monstrosity.

Seriously, you "invest" £500+ into such product, only to scrimp on buying a cheap hacked alternative?
Un...bloody....believable. The mentality some people exhibit astounds me at times - it really does!
By extrapolation, the same prospect of buying any manufacturer's "branded" version must be true also - whether it is Sony, Asus, etc, etc.
At least with the "official" product, you know what you're getting and have some comeback, not to mention looking the part, unlike this monstrosity.

Seriously, you "invest" £500+ into such product, only to scrimp on buying a cheap hacked alternative?
Un...bloody....believable. The mentality some people exhibit astounds me at times - it really does!

So, can I presume that you buy Fuji memory cards?
No, SanDisk, as can be seen in the camera bag of my profile!
They make their own NAND modules and figure out how to get the 95MB/s throughput themselves, rather than backward engineering someone else's proprietary components.

That's immaterial to this though - it's the buying expensive items, to then complain the branded accessories that are in stock in their own stores, are expensive, that has me shaking my head.
It's akin to buying a brand new V8 car only to LPG it as it's too expensive to run on regular petrol - but then idiots for years have been ditching their petrol cars to buy a diesel one when they'll be worse off as a result than if they stuck with the petrol one, so it's no surprise to see similar logic being employed when it comes to things like the subject matter of this thread.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Apple apologist, and if the item under discussion looked like it'd had some proper engineering applied, so it looked more the part, I'd be a lot less critical of it.
Post 1 : "Ooooh, Apple connector for £3. Cheap chinese jobbie but works a treat, look!"
Post 2 : "Ewww looks ugly, but is a great alternative for those who don't care what it looks like and don't want to pay for an overpriced Apple version, thanks"

End of thread.

Here endeth the lesson in how to interact with other adults.
Ah thank yow.

Yeah, if only :shake:
The main issue, is that tech companies expect to make most of their margins, from peripherals expanding the capabilities of the main unit, that they cleverly design as add ons . So you really don't get value for money, £30 pounds for a cover for an Ipad or Ebook reader? So these add ons, really make sense to buy from third party companies. They may not look pretty but they reflect the true value of what you are buying.