Apple Vision Pro

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This looks mighty impressive, with a rather impressive price tag as well but considering the tech perhaps not so bad.

Like a lot of Apple stuff, I expect that the first few versions will get cheaper/better until we start seeing them everywhere.
Like a lot of Apple stuff, I expect that the first few versions will get cheaper/better until we start seeing them everywhere.
Quite possibly.

At the moment it looks a bit like a solution in search of a problem. :naughty:
I would say that it's primarily an entertainment device, VR is already fairly well established, but it still doesn't have enough AAA traction. I'm hoping Apple will be a catalyst with this, whilst raising the technical bar as well.

If the augmented reality side of it is as good as he is saying, then I can see it being an excellent training tool for the military if they can insert CGI targets into a test site in actual reality. Also for construction etc, where they could superimpose a new structure into reality to see what it really looks like and what it may affect.

With regard to social and more business oriented applications, I'm not sure VR is there yet or suitable. It's never going to be as convenient as pulling out your phone to check an email, make a video call etc unless we get to a point where we are wearing VR headsets all the time. Never say never though!
It reminds me somewhat of the first 'mobile' telephones; huge great things that needed a massive battery in a shoulder bag. It's big, cumbersome and extremely noticeable. I predict the first ones will be seen 'in the wild', in 1st class sections on 'planes, rather than on the Tube. The price means they will instantly become a status symbol, much the same way the early mobile 'phones were. But technology will improve, and give it 5-10 years or so, and many people will have them. Their potential is huge; from applications in scientific/medial arenas, to helping people navigate wilderness areas. I can see how they could be very useful to those with disabilities. Apple tend to be pretty good at turning new tech into workable, profitable entities. Get ready kids; the future's Augmented.
I'd like to think if Apple are getting involved they have good reason to think the tech will stay. They must have looked hard at why Google Glass failed. The price isnt as bad as I thought tbh, if you are looking to replace your tv with a high quality 4k/8k rig this could fulfil a big part of that
Personally I was impressed with what I've seen and read about it so far. But, the price is high and if it came to a choice between this and the Olympus 300mm f4 the oly wins every time :)
I may be by myself here but I prefer real reality ! I can see the potential for training though
Re. the price, I did think it seemed high at first, but then when you consider the technology and hardware in it, some of which is very new, then compare to a camera of similar value with the tech in that, it doesn't seem quite so bad - especially when you then have to spend hundreds if not thousands more on lenses.

I also think one of the problems with the price of VR is that I believe the Quest 2 was priced at a loss, so when compared to that (which is still a very good headset) then it makes everything else seem pricey.
Apparently, some people have had some problems with nausea and/or disorientation.

Also, can you imagine what might happen if you wear one our on the street? "Has that thing got a camera?" "It's got about a dozen cameras." "YOU KEEP AWAY FROM MY KIDS!!!"
Yup, just like the Apple Watch. Couldn’t see the point of it and bought one on a whim. I am now on my third and wouldn’t be without one now.

Sames. It has loads of features that I previously wouldn't have even thought about, that I now find very useful. I only bought one as a 'toy' really, but I wouldn't be without it now either. I love it.

One thing I can see the Vision Pro being useful for, is something like giving directions if you were on a bike in town. A HUD telling you where to go would be proper bo. Coupled with a rear facing cam, it would enhance safety. That's just one example I can think of, there will be myriad uses.
At the moment it looks a bit like a solution in search of a problem.
I agree actually. We don't 'need' it. But such tech is here to stay, so let's just embrace it.