Are SSD worth it for Macbook upgrade?

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I've had a macbook pro for a few years now (2009) and was looking for a bit of a performance boost. Having just upgraded the RAM (8gb), is the move to SSDs worth the investment? I have read reviews that have praised them, but also ones that have viewed them as a poor return on their (reasonably high) cost.
I was wondering if anyone had any first hand knowledge they would be willing to share!

real increase on boot up speed, worth it and they are getting cheaper now.
I also replaced my optical drive with a 1 Tb HD so get the best of both worlds.

I am happy with mine. Has improved LR4.
SSD as your boot drive and the optical drive replaced with a HD is the way to go imo.

Cheers guys, sounds like it will be my next upgrade. I quite like the idea of SSD (~250gb) for OS and a larger HDD replacing optical drive so will have a look into that
I dont have any machines without an SSD anymore. It's a quite large jump in performance that as you get used to fades away....until you go use a machine with a mechanical drive and realise that this was what it was like before you had 20 second boot times!
I have two MBP's both 13", ones a 2011 normal drive (whatever thats called) the other is 2013 with SSD, the difference is chalk and cheese. I'm about to upgrade the iMac to SSD next. I've no idea what the negatives are other than lack of storage, but I store all my files externally anyway.
mine now takes 9 seconds to boot. It makes a massive difference

As the others I've replaced the optical drive with another HD
Put a 256gb ssd in my 2011 macbook on Wednesday and put the 750gb drive in the optical bay. Apart from a slight issue I had transferring the data around, it's now all working great. Plus the 16GB of ram helps it along!

I use it purely for video editing, so Final Cut Pro now works a lot faster. Boot time is significantly faster too.
Very worthwhile for OSX, and will help an otherwise sluggish machine become fully acceptable.
Anyone go for the Samsung 840 series? Is the Pro series significantly better than the Evo?
I have the 840 Pro in my Macbook mid 2010, bought it last year before the Evo came out. Would buy the same again over the Evo.
see HERE for more info but its a big thread :)
Yes it's worth it. Push the ram also if you can. It will add a little more life to your machine before you need to upgrade.