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Edit My Images
I've noticed that I've been posting comments on other's images without showing any of my own, which isn't really fair, is it? :p

To redress the balance somewhat, here's one of mine.

Hmmm I agree with Ken, the shot itself is good with the eye nice and sharp its got a lovely background but needs a bit more contrast to make the image pop a little.
Post processing is not my forte, as you might have guessed.

Does this work any better?

I have had a go at tweaking your picture.hope you dont mind.
Adjusted levels and curves and sharpened a little. The green background went a little too bright/yellowey, so I desaturated the Yellow a little. I also straightened it a little.

Hi Rob and welcome, it is always good to post some images up :LOL: A good little shot, Ken was right about a lack of contrast, editing is something you will get more confident with as time goes on. Trying to take onboard too much info on it will clogg your brain, so posting your pics up for comment is the right way imo. The second edit does looks slightly better but is still lacking a bit of sharpness. Had a quick play and will remove if you wish. I altered the highlights/shadows. Gave it a small amount of boost to vibrance/saturation and a small sharpen. Sharpening should be the last thing you do before resizing and saving the image.

Well you got to edits for the price of one now Rob :LOL:
Thanks for the feedback.

I really do need to get my head around the post processing of my pictures. I'll have a go with some other shots and post them for comment - perhaps a before and after with mention of what I've tried to do?
Hi Rob,

A nice shot with some good potential. Some useful tutorial info for editing on youtube good luck. (y)