Armed only with a camera and the vaguest clue . . .

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So, I've bought a new (second-hand) GF1, a £15 tripod from Amazon, and Understanding Exposure, some of which I understood. Some trial and error later in an evaluation copy of Lightroom, I've managed my first ever attempts at something that isn't a snapshot.

P1030813 by Arfonfab, on Flickr

P1030815_edited-1 by Arfonfab, on Flickr

P1030865_edited-1.psd by Arfonfab, on Flickr

P1030751.jpg by Arfonfab, on Flickr

Flowing Stream - a crop by Arfonfab, on Flickr

This photography lark is fun, isn't it?
I'm totally new to this too and hoping to take some pictures at the weekend, I really like your one of the stream and the second one is really interesting too! It's given me some ideas haha.
Sorry it's not a critique but I love the pitures anway!
Welcome to TP.
They are a decent start keep at it.
They are all in focus well exposed and sharp. Nice use of selective focus.
Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. I feel like I'm headed in the right direction, at least.
I like the last pic. its something im going to try in the future
Nothing wrong with your pictures they are ok.

I have to say, and its a personal thing, I don't like blurred running water as in your last picture. I know its the done thing nowadays to produce this kind of shot and its possibly easier than "freezing" the water movement. However by doing this you miss out on what is underneath the water which can produce a far better picture . As I said its a personal choice but so few photographers make the effort, or are unable to use a fast enough shutter speed, to stop movement of water, and to see such a photo is a rare treat.

Its something I don't understand when so many make a tremendous effort to capture a drop of water hitting water to create a splash photo.

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Thanks for the feedback! I like the smooth water effect of long exposures, but I was mostly trying out things. I also got this shot

A flowing stream - short exposure version by Arfonfab, on Flickr

which was as good as I could manage (3200 ISO, 1/500s) in freezing the stream's flow. (That one isn't cropped like the previous one. Ideally I would have gotten closer, but then I'd have had to jump a fence and get my feet wet :) )
Thats one of the reasons I got the Nikon D300, it will go to 1/8000s which is fairly fast

Thanks, Ash!

Realspeed: yeah, the GF1 does go down to 1/4000, but in that light, 1/500 is all I could manage. Going to have to go back up in sunlight and have another go.
Hi Keith
Looks like you're doing well with the new equipment and experimenting to produce good results.
First five look good, although last looks a bit too busy.