Artificial Grass, anyone got some

Gary, did you go to the factory or have a chat over the phone?

Have you had any major issues with the lawn since it was laid? Are the joints holding up?


It looks great Gary, we were just talking about this a few days ago, although realistically it is out of budget at the moment, i moved last year and had to decorate the whole house top to bottom, it was a right mess, it's done now though, thank god. So now just concentrating on the small back garden, I've spent quite a bit on things like lawn repair/feed etc etc, as it was covered in weeds, and i was thinking about this artificial stuff, but if i do go ahead it won't be till next year now, or i may just slab the lot and be done with it :D yours definitely looks very impressive though :)
Dog did its first dump on the grass this morning, left it to harden in the sun a couple of hours and picked it up in one piece, easy peasy, just need to replace the dog now.

Can't wait until your dog does a nice squidgy one on it, then see how great it is :D, and I hope your dog can handle burnt paws on a hot day.
Artificial grass is a huge environmental disaster, I suppose it could be argued that as a turf grower I am biased but I would urge anyone considering artificial turf to do a little research before jumping in, starting here is a good place, especially the "Natural Grass and Artificial Turf: Separating Myths and Facts" pdf download
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Can't wait until your dog does a nice squidgy one on it, then see how great it is :D, and I hope your dog can handle burnt paws on a hot day.
Artificial grass is a huge environmental disaster, I suppose it could be argued that as a turf grower I am biased but I would urge anyone considering artificial turf to do a little research before jumping in, starting here is a good place, especially the "Natural Grass and Artificial Turf: Separating Myths and Facts" pdf download
Dog does so called squidgy ones and theyre easier to deal with as you just hose them away and it washed through the inbuilt drainage, not interested in all the killjoy environmental rubbish thats flying about as its all propaganda from lawn growers trying to protect their business, you need to embrace it and diversify, its here to stay.
you need to embrace it and diversify, its here to stay.
I don't need to do anything of the sort, if you like it then thats fine, there will always be a market for real grass, it's a completely different thing and there are places where synthetic turf will never be a viable alternative.
Be interesting to see just how long it is here to stay, we went up this road many years ago and it pretty much faded out from domestic use.
Just to update this 2 month further down the road

Best money ive ever spent, the lawn has fully settled now and bar the odd tiny bump/hollow is perfect, lifted one corner to check things and the weed control barrier does its job, not a single weed coming through
10 month after fitting, still the best money ive spend, constant trampling up and down the same part flattens the pile every couple of month but 30 seconds with a yard brush against the pile brings it back like new.