At 6000ft.

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Taken a few weeks ago on Pico do Arieiro Madeira's third highest mountain..1818 m.


Nice John and just to think you struggled up Painswick Beacon!
no 1 is familiar
did you do the pico to pico walk?
up down up down
its a great feeling when you are above the clouds
Cheers,Chris..nice to see you back on. Thing is, I hiked up Painswick Beacon..we went up this one in a

Didn't do any walks like that, Geof. We walked to town and return though..30 minutes and very steep to the Cliff Bay hotel if you know it The mountaint was part of the east side van tour. The van takes 8 passengers but there was only one other couple so it was like a private Tour. We went to Santana too,which you probably know as well, where those wee houses are but I didn't think anyone would find a photo of them interesting, more holiday shots.I've been above cloud in the Forest of Dean but that was an temperature inversion. I've seen photos of the other two peaks the main,highest peaks and the sheer drop is not something I could have coped with..I couldn't even go up in the cable…nor down on the sledge from Monte.We went to the Tropical gardens up there. It didn't look far from the cable car depot but as we walked and walked I realised we hadn't accounted for the snaking of the road and it was much further than we thought so we went back down into town and got a bus up there…lol. You're either going up or coming down in Madeira..apart from the harbour of course.I got photos of pilot whales and a loggerhead turtle on a trip.. photos over in the 'wild and free' forum.