Attempted portrait.



Well, it's like this. The wife can't often be persuaded to let me photograph her. So I don't get much practice at it. She reckoned this one looked like she was auditioning for the Manson family. Any advice on how to do this stuff better?

If you find out how to take a portrait a wife will find acceptable let me know :)

My wife does not like any I've taken of her either!
I don't think I've ever even got a photo of my girlfriend as far as my PC.

If I dare to point the camera in her direction, she grabs the camera, vets the photo and deletes it on the spot!

So the best advice that I can give is click and run! :D
Hi Druid.

I am by no means an expert in photography, but i would like to share what worked for me.

for the last few weeks i have been with my girlfriend almost none stop. and my new camera has become her worst enemy! as i am always taking pics, and pointing it at her :)

here is what i have learned, all of this worked for me. and might work for anyone who doesnt like getting their picture taken.

1. girlfriends sometimes dont understand their boys hobbies. If you are using a short lens you need to stand a little closer to them. they think that your zooming in on every blemish they may have and get very annoyed very quickly.
By using a longer lens, standing further away you can take this feeling away ( even though when you look through the viewfinder, it is filled with their mug... they are none the wiser!

2. i found that using a remote shutter lead helps alot. the line "im not taking pictures, im just testing settings" works well as your hand is not near the button of doom. when she is more relaxed, press the button on the remote and there you have it :)

3. Shoot in continuous mode. the best expressions are often after you have taken the intended shot. or shoot one, then pause and shoot again. ( this worked wonders for me for one particular picture)

4. similar to number 2, try to frame the shot then take you eye from the view finder. and look at her. the more she thinks you are not taking a photo of her the more natural the expressions will be, and you might get some real corkers.

As i said i am no expert. just sharing what seemed to work for me :)

Hmmm...wonder if this works with boyfriends too :LOL:

Anyway, Druid, it's a promising first attempt. I'm no expert when it comes to portraits, but it is often better when photographing people, if you are at their level, or shoot from a slightly lower viewpoint. The DOF in this shot could do with being a little wider too as the bottom of your wifes face and hair is out of focus. Good focus on the eyes though :)
I hate having my photos taken, and so does matt as we both have cameras I dont think that these ideas would work for us but there we go.

As for the photo, the eye contact is nice, dont know if it is just me but I dont know if the whole face is in focus. Maybe a different coloured background would help as well as seems to blend a bit. Only my feelings.
Ah so it's not just me then. That's reassuring :)

Thanks for the feedback.