aurora alert

Cloudy all night with rain later here.
Kp=7 which is storm level. Just waiting for darkness here as the sky is reasonably clear.
Skies clearing now & the stars are out after a very rainy day.
Our local news mentioned it earlier & said we'd have a fairly good chance of seeing it tonight. (NW England)
Its happening right now

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I never bought my camera to work with me, and i'm in the perfect place for them, Near Wastwater), i've seen them tonight, quite strong too, and for the first time ever too. They are supposed to be visible for the next 72 hours though so i'll bring my camera tomorrow night.
just been up to rivington all excited after looking at the KP index which is showing 9 at the moment and nothing
not a thing :(

still showing a KP index of 9
i think the aurora site is broken :(
Great stuff Marie

What time of the night were they taken?
Between 8pm and 11pm I think

Hi Marie

Great shots and I can't believe I missed all this action last night, since someone posted shots from Inverness on the BBC website (not as good as yours though!) As it looks like being clear tonight, any thoughts on shutter speeds and iso settings?

Thanks, Peter
If I drove to the Shropshire Hills do you think the KP is high enough for a sighting?

It's on my bucket list and I'm desperate to see / photograph them.

I'm in Kidderminster by the way.

If I drove to the Shropshire Hills do you think the KP is high enough for a sighting?

It's on my bucket list and I'm desperate to see / photograph them.

I'm in Kidderminster by the way.

It's still quite high now but high KP alone doesn't guarantee a display in any location even far enough north.
In some cases a long exposure will show a faint display which is barely discernible with naked eye.
The main thing you need is minimal light pollution to the north of your chosen spot.
You need to be prepared to sit and wait for hours because typically they come and go - sometimes quite suddenly, and several times through the night.
Hi Marie

Great shots and I can't believe I missed all this action last night, since someone posted shots from Inverness on the BBC website (not as good as yours though!) As it looks like being clear tonight, any thoughts on shutter speeds and iso settings?

Thanks, Peter

Fastest widest lens at wide open aperture 1.4 or 2.8 if possible (faster the better). Try iso 800 and adjust if needed, manual focus on a distant light and leave it on manual.
I use aperture priority with live view and let it set the shutter speed but if using manual try 15 or 30 secs and adjust as necessary (check histogram). Tripod, remote release, head torch (you can use this to light paint the foreground).
Had hoped to get some photos myself on Tuesday night. Unfortunately weather did not permit. Great to see some of you guys had better luck!
Fastest widest lens at wide open aperture 1.4 or 2.8 if possible (faster the better). Try iso 800 and adjust if needed, manual focus on a distant light and leave it on manual.
I use aperture priority with live view and let it set the shutter speed but if using manual try 15 or 30 secs and adjust as necessary (check histogram). Tripod, remote release, head torch (you can use this to light paint the foreground).

Thanks Marie. I might not get further than the back garden, but it's a sane alternative to the Scotland - Poland game tonight! (y)
Thanks Marie. I might not get further than the back garden, but it's a sane alternative to the Scotland - Poland game tonight! (y)

I never left my driveway last night, didn't need to!
Good luck for tonight, clouded out over here.
I would love to get shots like these. No chance where I live though. too much light pollution
Well, it was cloudy around me last night but didn't venture out.

In the Metro this morning I noticed a piece stating there's a good chance of seeing the lights for a few weeks to come.

Not sure if they can predict that far ahead though?
Kept a close watch last night, but no show I'm afraid. (n)
Those are some great pictures Marie/Canon_togger, I particularly love the one with the dog.
Unfortunately I cannot see it from where I live.
Yes I liked the one with the dog as well. I was reading the Daily Record this morning and saw said picture on page 23. The paper does not do it justice.
They still around? Anyone any luck last night?

I've had the good fortune to witness an amazing display in Iceland a couple of years ago, so wouldn't bother over here if it was just a horizon glow, but those photos @canon_togger look quite spectacular. If they're likely to be still visible to that sort of degree I'll take a blast up to the lakes this evening.
They still around? Anyone any luck last night?

I've had the good fortune to witness an amazing display in Iceland a couple of years ago, so wouldn't bother over here if it was just a horizon glow, but those photos @canon_togger look quite spectacular. If they're likely to be still visible to that sort of degree I'll take a blast up to the lakes this evening.

I think they are gone for now. The forecast is KP4 maximum for the next 2 days. That wont even reach the highlands of Scotland.
Great shots Marie.

Unfortunately it clouded over here (Gothenburg) on Wednesday! It could be seen 2 hundred KM south in Mälmö apparently! :mad:
I think they are gone for now. The forecast is KP4 maximum for the next 2 days. That wont even reach the highlands of Scotland.
Kp4 will reach the highlands usually as just a green glow but its cloudy here.
I think they are gone for now. The forecast is KP4 maximum for the next 2 days. That wont even reach the highlands of Scotland.

Ive just noticed KP5 forecast for tonight around 10pm I think. If I'm reading the figures correctly on
Forecast KP7 from 3pm till 6pm then KP6 from 6pm till 9pm tonight.

See link

Edit: Sorry I've jumped the gun here I don't think this forecast is likely looking at current levels.
Edit2: Its now saying KP6 in 12 to 27 minutes (as at 1812hrs)
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