Aurora Borealis - Lake District

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After an afternoon of watching the forecast go through the roof, I took a trip over to the Lakes in the hope that the cloud would clear. The forecast was pretty poor for North Yorkshire.
About 11pm, the cloud cleared nicely over Derwent Water, and as the Kp levels booted off, I was treated to a pretty spectacular display.
I've chased the aurora a couple of times in Northumberland, but have never managed to see it, or capture it on camera. Last night, it was clearly visible to the naked eye, with the pillars dancing for a good 15-20 minutes.
It's a shame about the light pollution over Keswick, but hey, you can't have it all!
C&C Welcome

Not going to C&C that at all.

Amazing photo of an amazing phenomenon and you deserve to be congratulated for getting off your behind and going out in the cold and capturing it.

It's on my bucket list to capture the Northern Lights but living in the West Midlands I'll either have to drive a long way or be lucky on a far north holiday sometime.

Nice one Matty.

Ace! I went out to Teggs Nose near Macclesfield last night for this but failed to find them...!
I love that.
I was up at that but work in heavily lit area and saw nothing.
Thanks everyone. Really happy to have finally seen it. There were only a couple of other guys shooting at Ashness, but one of the guys was working for PA, and his images went all over the place. Looks like it was a case of right place, right time for once.