Autoflora - evolution of a project

For some time I've been wondering if making a series of pictures with ever slower shutter speeds might be the answer. The aim to end up with an almost invisible car in the shot as an attempt to illustrate the here today gone tomorrow likelihood of humanity and it's technologies. Apologies for pretentious waffle but I can't think of a clearer way to put across what I mean.

The technical problem preventing today's efforts working as I'd like, with a sharp plant, was the bloody wind! I never seem to get a windless day with half reasonable light.:(

This is a composite strip to give an idea of how I envisage the presentation - if I ever get it right.

A larger image to show the plant blur. Does it actually matter?

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Unless you're using a very long lens to compress the perspective, surely you're bound to get plant movement from the slipstream off the car itself?

I don't think it matters much in the smaller images, but it's a little troubling in the larger one. Would a solution be a smaller or stiffer plant?

A great idea, though.
You've hit the problems on the head, Chris There is also movement from the slipstream. Less flexible plants are probably the only solution, but they're not often as visually interesting as the taller ones. It's been interesting and fun trying, but I might have to admit defeat!
Not a project resurection, but if I could find enough similar examples of this one it could make a counterpoint!_7504090.jpg
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