Autumn Colours in the Wye Valley - a TP Meet

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Many thanks to Big Andy for organising another successful meet.
The aim was to Canoe down the Wye Valley at the peak of the Autumn colours with expedition base camp next to a decent pub for some great evening banter.

In true Loony meet style, the horrendous weather forecast put a lot of people off.
But the actual day was bright and sunny. Just about perfect apart from being ten degrees C cooler than just a few days earlier :eek:

There were eight of us on the water plus two non-canoeists.
I was the only one brave enough to take my DSLR onto the water (read into that what you will), so it's going to be interesting to see what the others took. Simon had his trusty little Olympus which we have already seen good results from on past meets and Si took his X10 plus a set of graduated filters.
Like I said - gonna be interesting.
After the canoeing most people had time to take photos from the banks and Yat Rock viewpoint and some people even found the energy for a bit of light painting.
Hence I can say with confidence that lots more quality images will be following shortly (y)
To the others - feel free to add you images into this thread or start you own as you see fit :)

To the tune of Duelling Banjo's....
This is just after we launched headed downriver towards the deeper valleys.
You can just make out the first group which set off shortly before us.

Sherpa Shirley and Big Andy brought their own canoes - the tippy over flavour. Ours were rafted together for stability and had proper (but cold and hard) seats.

We saw two Kingfishers and countless Swans.

We didn't do much paddling as the current did nearly all the work for us.
Apart from the lively banter, it was utterly tranquil.

As we approached Symonds Yat, a swarm of little canoes struggled upstream as we shot past drifting with the current.

It was a memorable day (for lots of reasons) and the pub banter in front of a roaring log fire was wonderful!
When's the next meet :wave:

TP is great (y)
Wow - I need to check other threads on this site out. Wish I'd known about this meet. Looks like you all had a special day. Duncan - Kingfisher shot a cracker :)
Woderful shots ther Duncan I was so envious of you all doing that,
Looking forward to seeing more of your pics.
Loving the kingfisher shot Duncan... I still can't believe you took your 5D in the canoe - especially considering the fact that you kept standing up! :D

See you soon,
There all crackers Duncan, as said before the Kingfisher came out really well.

Still need to sort through mine, didnt even fill a single card with pics which is very unusual for me.
Great shots Duncan, looking forward to seeing the others:)
Please do this again so I can come!

Andy was talking about a Christmas meet.
Doing something photographic followed by an evening meal.
Last year we did sunrise at Llangorse, walked up Twmpa, lightpainting at Llanthony Priory and meal at The Skirrid.

We need more suggestions - doesn't have to be landscapes (that's the easy option).
A day at the Gee Gees was mentioned (probably Cheltenham).
Andy is prepared to do the legwork, and just needs something to latch onto to make it happen.
More suggestions would be appreciated!

Spiritflier was also talking about a Motorsport meet next year.
He was showing us some stunning AWDC images and is offering to host a meet at the same event (or similar).
This will probably also be combined with a visit to the Mach Loop (y)
Am looking forward to this as it will be a good-un!
...Spiritflier was also talking about a Motorsport meet next year. He was showing us some stunning AWDC images and is offering to host a meet at the same event (or similar).
This will probably also be combined with a visit to the Mach Loop (y)
Am looking forward to this as it will be a good-un!

I'll start working on that as a soon as the 2013 event calendar has been announced... I have an idea about camping/catering for that weekend as well but I need to talk to a few people first (it's a field at the back of a pub)! :D

Here's the first batch of shots from the weekend...






Great images so far!

I've only managed to edit images from the Lumix, I will get around to editing the rest soon!


Si - wow - great set. The candid is brilliant. I'm guessing 3, 4, 5 and 6 are not from the X10?

Ryan - first picture is really warm. Very nice Autumn shot.
Si - wow - great set. The candid is brilliant. I'm guessing 3, 4, 5 and 6 are not from the X10?

Thanks mate! :)

The last four were taken on the 5DMKIII but the bulk of the pictures I shot over the weekend were taken with the X10.

You'll have to come to the next meet.
Si - fantastic set!
I didn't realise you went for star trails - must have been tough knowing the rest of us were already in the pub!

Ryan - love the tranquillity in the first piccy. That's how I remember it. Lovely shot.
What an excellent set of shots. Clearly a 'grand day out'. Really like the second one, the silouhette on the reiver, very evocative. Also the monochromes and very well executed. Excellent stuff all round!
Managed to edit a few from the 550d, I can't wait until I have time to edit the IR pics!



The full set (so far) can be seen here
A couple of pics from me.

Spiritflier with X10

Big Andy Chilling out in a canoe.

Thanks mate! :)

The last four were taken on the 5DMKIII but the bulk of the pictures I shot over the weekend were taken with the X10.

You'll have to come to the next meet.

The star trails have me inspired. Were they shot around 20 seconds? I am planning to try that that with the X10 in the next month or so and I'll be sure to post the results :)

Yes I'm really up for the meets. I'm meeting up with Yv in a few weeks for an X10 shoot in London (we may see some other X10 members join us) and I've provisionally put the Xmas London meet in the diary but I'll be sure to look out for nature meets in future.
Si looks like he's just captured something really naughty with his cam :naughty:
Here's a few ducks and things.

One of the countless swans.


A Cormorant on the River Wye!!!!!!

Another Swan...

A Heron being chased down the bank by our little flotilla.

A small section of a large flock of geese lined up along the bank.
Looks like you all had a fantastic time, I'm very jealous of the kingfisher that was a good find.
It's certainly an outstanding shot, I've only ever seen them at my local WWT, and it didn't stay still, just flew past the hide several times.
What a fun day! - Love the lone canoeist in the 1st post :clap:
Gramps, Nicky - cheers! :beer:

I can confirm that is my one and only Kingfisher shot; I'm no twitcher and I've only got a 200mm lens! :)

The canoe shot I'm sure Spiritflier was clicking away at the same thing with his X10, so he probably got similar shots, but I beat him to the posting draw :|
The canoe shot I'm sure Spiritflier was clicking away at the same thing with his X10, so he probably got similar shots, but I beat him to the posting draw :|

Si - if you have got the kingfisher on the X10 would you mind sharing it? Would be interested to see how it came out on a 112mm VS Duncan's 200mm lens.
Finally got around to editing my IR pics!

1. From Symmonds Yat Rock (I'll probably re-edit this)


2. Bird Cloud


3. Monmouth


4. Monmouth Church Door


5. Back at Yat Rock

On the Sunday I headed back into Monmouth to take some pics. (all IR, some B&W IR)

1. I saw this tree some where between the camp site and Monmouth, I had to stop and photograph it.


2. Gate House in Monmouth.


3. Roundabout. I'm not sure what made me take a pic of the roundabout but I think I like the result.


4. Rescue Services were training


5. Little Church in Monmouth


Full set can be seen here
Si - if you have got the kingfisher on the X10 would you mind sharing it? Would be interested to see how it came out on a 112mm VS Duncan's 200mm lens.

Hi Martyn,

I got it but it's not very sharp or very large in the frame... If it had been sat in the clear rather than in amongst the branches, I might have had a better focus lock.

There were a couple of times when I wished I'd had the courage to take my 5DMKIII and the 300mm f/2.8 out on the canoe! :D
Hi Martyn,

I got it but it's not very sharp or very large in the frame... If it had been sat in the clear rather than in amongst the branches, I might have had a better focus lock.

There were a couple of times when I wished I'd had the courage to take my 5DMKIII and the 300mm f/2.8 out on the canoe! :D

Oh that's a shame... sorry. Switch to manual focus if the AF dosn't play ball. Not the quickest of manual focus dials I've used but when drifting past a kingfisher you'd have time. If you are in manual and you want to save messing with the dials for too long use the AEL on something near the subject you can get a half decent AF lock on then use manual for the fine tuning. Duncan advice that one and it works well :)