
LongLensPhotography's all folks!
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It appears the golden day are numbered :( and the weather has turned really stormy. These are the ones I managed given the circumstances

1. Falls of Falloch (north of Loch Lomond)

2. Loch Chon.

3. Falls of Falloch II

4. Bad weather arrives at Loch Lomond

5. Loch Ard. The light only lasted a few minutes, so handheld shot had to do.

6. Glasgow university.
7. Glasgow botanical gardens

8. Loch Drunkie


10. One more failed attempt. Everything looked ok, and the suddenly grey misery came over just after sunrise.

11. This is perhaps the image I wanted the most. I won't take it this year :(

I have a few more; I might post them later
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I have to agree with Marie, the second is an outstanding image.
Loch Chon, did you take any more here at this time, its the best one followed by the falls of falloch. The light in 9,10,11 is very dissappointing.

I don't have anything vastly different from 2, just some variations on the same theme. It was after sunset (behind the hills in the cloud) and I was hoping for a decent moonrise, which also didn't happen.

9-11 are a big disappointment to me too - 2 mornings wasted.

The loch chon ones are decent, the mist works, shame the sun didn't richen it up a little more. The ones you just posted are better, the colours richer in the second and the sky gives it more scale and sense. I rarely go for a landscape without some sky.
No2 is a lovely image. Certainly doesn't need any sky and works better without it in my opinion.
No2 is a lovely image. Certainly doesn't need any sky and works better without it in my opinion.

I expected there will be different opinions about it. That's why I did both :)

The loch chon ones are decent, the mist works, shame the sun didn't richen it up a little more.

Believe me I tried. The sun doesn't even illuminate the island till 9AM (as of last week) if it shows up at all. Then you get this

It was just an awfully cloudy morning, but the next ones were even worse. (OK i missed out one when the forecast was really bad, but then it looked super clear). I even had to do some off-roading in my FWD VAG because some bloody hunters inconsiderately parked their SUV right in the middle of the road.
2 is the one and as already said , it stands better than the additionally posted ones. Think it's the atmosphere conveyed that provides the additional draw.