Autumnal Mist at Loughrigg Tarn

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Shot to death this place, but I'd not been up there before myself. The forecast suggested heavy mist, and clear skies, and judging by the crowds of people up there, I wasn't the only one that picked up on this.
Having drones flying overhead and loads of people wandering around really transformed the experience. It's great that people are out enjoying the morning, but I definitely prefer a quieter spot to enjoy the start of the day. Don't think I'll be returning to Loughrigg any time soon!
Still, I was happy to get a shot from here, and the conditions and autumn colours were lovely

Loughrigg Mist by Matty, on Flickr
"Excellent" shot Sir, nuff said.(y)

Very nice
hard to fault that. Super work

Thanks very much Ian, a little while since I've taken any landscapes, so good to get back to it.

Very atmospheric. That is the beauty of photographs, you cannot hear and see the distractions ;)

Cheers Tony, fortunately this picture doesnt say a thousand words haha.

Great image.
One of my favourite places.

Much appreciated. A great vantage point this, and optimal for the autumn colours

Absolutely spectacular.

Thanks very much

That's just gorgeous!(y)

Much appreciated, thank you very much

"Excellent" shot Sir, nuff said.(y)


Cheers George, glad you like it

Well we've probably said Hi or Good Morning to each other yesterday morning.

Haha, it could be more than likely. It was a lovely set of conditions up there, shame about a lack of any whisps of high cloud. Hope you had a productive morning up there.

Very nice

Cheers Alf, really nice to get back to the lakes with a camera, hopefully I'll be getting over a lot more now that it's coming to a more productive time of year for me photographically. Hope you're well
All been said, can't add anymore, lovely work!
Wow! That's a stonker. Print it BIG!
That's one for the wall - fabulous shot

All been said, can't add anymore, lovely work!

My type of image that, absolutely gorgeous.

Wow! That's a stonker. Print it BIG!

absolutely love that shot, that is excellent

Thanks very much indeed folks - it was a great morning for conditions and it feels like it’s kickstarted me into taking a few more landscape images again. Much appreciated
It's a glorious take of a popular scene. The first time I went there was four years ago and it was a beautiful sunrise but no mist (despite a prediction), still got some lovely shots and had it all to myself apart from meeting Drew Buckley (the second time on the trip!). Things have really changed in the last few years and the popular spots are now extremely overcrowded, possibly due to all the recent guidebooks. Mam Tor is also a prime example, although it's always been busy I passed by on the way into Edale on Saturday morning, and at 6:00 there were 3 cars and a minibus parked at the top and the bus stop lower down was filled, loads of headtorches visible up the top. Again four years ago you'd pretty much be guaranteed a parking spot there at such an early time (1hr 40ish before sunrise!). It's worth seeking out the quieter spots for sure.
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It's a glorious take of a popular scene. The first time I went there was four years ago and it was a beautiful sunrise but no mist (despite a prediction), still got some lovely shots and had it all to myself apart from meeting Drew Buckley (the second time on the trip!). Things have really changed in the last few years and the popular spots are now extremely overcrowded, possibly due to all the recent guidebooks. Mam Tor is also a prime example, although it's always been busy I passed by on the way into Edale on Saturday morning, and at 6:00 there were 3 cars and a minibus parked at the top and the bus stop lower down was filled, loads of headtorches visible up the top. Again four years ago you'd pretty much be guaranteed a parking spot there at such an early time (1hr 40ish before sunrise!). It's worth seeking out the quieter spots for sure.

You're right, I'm not usually as drawn to the low hanging fruit spots, but I thought it was worth a trip up Loughrigg as I'd not shot up there before. I'm still glad I went up, but it certainly served as a reminder that I don't 'feel' the same sense of enjoyment from a morning shooting if it's shared with tens of other people. I think the last sunrise I shot was on Liathach in Torridon, and I don't think I saw another person on the whole morning, until i got back to road level. The last (and only) time I shot up at Winnatts Pass, it was kinda similar, with a lot of others out there getting the sunrise. It's kinda conflicting, as I'm really glad that there are other people out enjoying good conditions and appreciating the surroundings, but I find it much more rewarding and enjoyable if it's quiet, and calm, and still. Cheers for your reply!

Cracking shot.

Thanks very much

Superb! I bet it was a great feeling being up there.

Thank you, it was great to get some decent conditions from up there, I'm really glad the forecast delivered as promised.
Lovely take on in Matty but as you say the hordes there that morning probs take a bit away from it and I'd feel the same way, doesn't feel very unique - I was almost tempted to head up myself but ended up getting a much needed lie in!
I have no idea on drone regulations but plenty of very low flying jets populate that area.
Very well balanced shot there, lots going on. Very nice tones
I have no idea on drone regulations but plenty of very low flying jets populate that area.

Assuming they haven’t got permission for commercial use it’s 50m away from people and property and 120m max altitude. I haven’t come across another drone flyer following the regulations.