Axalp F-5's & F-18's

They look like amazing shots, crisp and clean and god knows what shutter speed you had to use to get it that crisp.

Looks like you had a good trip. Nice work!
AWESOME set of images ... inverted ... vortices ... superb :clap:
A cracking set my favorite is no.5 really nice.
Oh my!
Amazing. As a complete and utter novice. What do you need to get images like this?
Stunning photos! To think that there's another thread just recently where someone is unhappy with the focusing of their new 7D!
Yeah! Now you're just showing off!

To be fair if I could produce anything half as good, so would I!

Tell me though, we're you up there with them or stood on a hillside? Serious question.
these are stunning, can you tell us what lens and how close were the a/c actually from you, how much have you cropped the shots, I ask because I would expect to get blown off the mountain from the exhaust !
Thanks for the info Lawrence :) hows the car?

Thanks for the info Lawrence :) hows the car?


Hi Nick, apart from requiring another clutch (too many donuts :LOL:), she's OK thank you, and yours? I can see a thread hijack coming here :D.

We drove past the airbase where the aircraft are based whilst on the way down to San Marino & Rallylegend in 2009. There's talk of actually driving down next year and stopping off for the Axalp, fancy it? There's no show in 2014.
Hi Nick, apart from requiring another clutch (too many donuts :LOL:), she's OK thank you, and yours? I can see a thread hijack coming here :D.

We drove past the airbase where the aircraft are based whilst on the way down to San Marino & Rallylegend in 2009. There's talk of actually driving down next year and stopping off for the Axalp, fancy it? There's no show in 2014.

Hi mate
Garaged up for the winter although I so want to take it out for a blast.;)
Had a great time this year in the Alps, might tie it in with a holiday.

Donuts Loz that's so unlike you :LOL:
Thanks for the comments of the photos folks.

All were taken from the top of a 10,000ft mountain opposite the main display area.

Some of the jets were as low as 50ft over our heads, a truly fantastic experience.

Remarkable set of images from a very different vantage point. All are excellent, my favourites are 3 & 4. Very unique images indeed!
Absolutely stunning set.
Outstanding images... They certainly show what the 7D can be capable of in the right hands! (y)
Ummmmmmmmmm....... I will not be showing these shots to the Mrs. Mach loop visit is one thing, but now she'll want to visit Switzerland, then Red flag etc etc. :)


That fourth shot is sublime. Amazing colours, great subject/background separation, beautiful contrast level, sharp as hell..... totally jealous
It's quite easy to hate people you know..... :p

These shots are sublime!

Well worth that ridiculous climb!
A superb set Neil. I'd love to do this, but would need to be dropped off by helicopter. :D

Yeah, it's the 3000ft climb I don't fancy. One of the lads I work with did it a couple of years ago. He says they started climbing at 0400 and unfortunately the suns in your face from the main viewpoint. The better views are as they roll out over the top of the opposite mountains, but thats a heftier climb.

It's a set of cracking images, and the F-5s still look mean and nasty. #jealous
They're the best aircraft photos I've ever seen. Brilliant.