B&W Portrait....client wants it printing

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Hi Guys,

I recently took a few photos of a DJ friend as a favour (I am not in any way shape or form a professional!) and thankfully she was really pleased with the results. She has asked for a print of one image in particular. A pretty big one at that. It is the B&W version of the attached photos, the colour is how it started (although that has also been edited a little).

Can you give me your judgement on the contrast and brightness?

She wants the print pretty big and I'm going to get a sample 5x7 from Ilfords just to check the above but would really appreciate some feedback first.

Many thanks :) (hope these links work, first time trying to upload an image to a thread:shrug:)


Not sure how to get the inage into the actual post rather than a link? If anyone can advise I'd appreciate it thanks!
I'm not surprised she wants it printed, it's a great image and so much better in monochrome.
Not sure how to get the inage into the actual post rather than a link? If anyone can advise I'd appreciate it thanks!

You put square brackets IMg around it with /IMg at the end, so
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This is a great idea. I didn't see the headphones initially but I don't think its a lighting fault. I like the lighting as is although a touch of fill could help.

I think if you reshot it with the left arm down or somewhere other than where it is, you'd see the left part of the headphone and the image of a DJ would then work immediately. As it stands, I thought it was a fashion model before I read your supporting text. Colour or mono, either works.
This is a great idea. I didn't see the headphones initially but I don't think its a lighting fault. I like the lighting as is although a touch of fill could help.

I think if you reshot it with the left arm down or somewhere other than where it is, you'd see the left part of the headphone and the image of a DJ would then work immediately. As it stands, I thought it was a fashion model before I read your supporting text. Colour or mono, either works.

Hi Chris, I'm pretty new to editing. What is fill? Can I do that in LR4?

I understand your point about not being able to see the headphones but thankfully I managed to get a number of shots with them in but her and her dad fell in love with this image in particular and she's asked for the print to give to her dad for his 60th :) She also likes the fact that her tattoo is showing on her left arm, also not super clear it says "music is the answer"

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it.
You can, but I wouldn't bother. If you were reshooting, you could use a reflector to add a touch of fill but if they love it as it is, then its perfect to them and that's all that matters :)