B+W with Mist

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Done this, this evening and it was going a bit dark and saw mist off the grass on way home

What you all think?

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Should see it now...
Nice shot. Something about the picture begs for a different crop...but, really, I can figure out if that means less sky, less foreground, or both! LOL Still a very appealing picture.
I kept thinking that too about a different crop but cant figure out what :bonk:

First time I ever took a picture with mist in dusk and it was a bit tricky.. Though i did well there
I just love low lying mist shots and your picture had hit the spot. Very nice.
I took a similar scene on the way to work last Thursday morning as shown by this image.
Taken off Etchinghill Golf Course near Folkestone at 7.30 am. I used my little knockabout Fuji A900 for this one.


Hope you didn't mind me slipping this one in here rather than create a new thread for it?
Thanks for your comments guys

Ian no worries about putting you image here... It what it for to show each other what can be done :) And you done a cracker there too
Nice shot but a bit bottom heavy.
Personally, I would crop the bottom to about halfway to the fence.
Lovely shot. I got up at 5.30 this morning to go out and get a shot like this, and looked out of the window and it was raining so went back to bed. I don't think I would crop any of it though, looks good as it is imo.