Baby passport photos.

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Hi all,

First up, i've recently became a father to my beautiful baby daughter, Olivia she is just over 2 weeks old now.

Secondly, we are taking her to Florida in June, and as such need a passport for her.

Does anyone know the rules of doing this myself? I've had a quick look at the guidelines, and the rules state that babies head must be upright, eyes open and no parent hands visible in the shot, and against a white background.

Seems impossible to get this done for a new baby given how much they move about.

So, any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

You have to watch babies heads at that age as they have little support on their own. I'd say sit the baby up on a chair or sofa using pillows for support - the head particularly. The biggest problem then will be keepng baby's hands out of shot With a little patience and mum and dad working together you should be able to get a clean head and shoulders shot if someone holds the hands down out of shot.

I've done loads of baby shots this way. I've also done loads of passport photos for people on a home printer and never had one rejected.
could you perhaps lie them on a white sheet and photo from abve them to avoid the hand problem?:shrug: