Baby robin

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Waiting around gets me down!

Looks hard done by but is quite capable of feeding its self when the parents aren't looking!

You can se how it gets confused with the young dunnock below
aaawwww! :love:
The first one is superb!
These are fantastic, Phil.

I hope you dont mind me saying this....but your shots recently have improved beyond belief. I dont know what you were doing to them before but aren't doing now........or maybe vice versa, but youve nailed it now...really pleased for you! (y)
.... I dont know what you were doing to them before but aren't doing now........or maybe vice versa, but youve nailed it now...r

Janice - I wish i knew. The main thing is the quality of the light - the feeder area is quite shaded but as the year progresses i can use f4.5 to even f 8 at a reasonable shutter speed - rather that f2.8 all the time. this gives just that little more depth of field that makes all the difference as before - if you got the eye in focus the breast feathers were already blurring.

Thanks for all you interest and comments. Different challenge over the weekend - "official" phtographer at a First Communion Service with special permission from all parents obtained - so keep your fingers crossed for me.