Back to the cats (3 images)

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Difficult snapping a cross eyed cat, i think the grey makes him look softer?
I did have to clone a lot of scratches as he's a tom! lol



Lovely shots, I prefer the black and white too, but I think the last one, could do with some curves adjustment, it looks a little flat to me.

The second is my favourite. Have you tried selective desaturation, leaving those lovely colourful eyes in colour?
Tatse is a funny thing on another forum everyone likes the coloured one lol
I prefer the greys

not tried that Marcel not aure how to either lol
From one of my earlier posts about selective colouring, hope it helps (y)

I created a black & white version of the image & made sure that I left a colour version underneath it - I then just masked out the juggling balls in the B&W layer to show the coloured layer underneath. You can also do this with the history brush or even the eraser for a very quick method but I prefer to have total control over the colour & how much is shown/removed.
If I were you, I'd read up on how to use masks as it was easily the most important photoshop lesson I have ever learned & is used in every single image I work on

Very useful technique to know but can look quite cheesy if you don't get it right :LOL:
Yup, tis really easy once you get the hang of masks.

At first I used to use the history brush, which is even easier.

In photoshop, desaturate the image, then use the History Brush to "Colour back in" the eyes.