Back with the Kingfishers

I know Nature is what it is , but I don`t personally like seeing things be in eaten by other things , I just can not help pitying them . Other than that this is a marvellous set . The inflight one in particular , shows great skill to my eyes .
Lovely set again Glynn.

I just can not help pitying them

Same here, I cannot watch a kill on TV. Mammal kills are hardest for me.

Quite often, the local Sparrowhawks will take a bird in the garden, usually in full view. I don't like feral pigeons but it's still not nice watching one get eaten alive. This happened the week before last, at our kitchen window then at one of our side windows, the same event.

I'm OK with fish though, I don't really give that much thought when I see a Kingfisher bashing one and swallowing it. I find frog kills difficult though.

The inflight is awesome Glynn. I tried that malarky last Sunday, it's not easy.
Fab set Glynn
I know Nature is what it is , but I don`t personally like seeing things be in eaten by other things , I just can not help pitying them . Other than that this is a marvellous set . The inflight one in particular , shows great skill to my eyes .

I know what you are saying about animals with prey, but there are so many 'normal' images, that I do tend to concentrate on 'prey' shots, or something slightly 'different'. - To be honest, I struggle to get shots without them eating something at this particular location!

The 'in flight' shots are certainly challenging, but i'lI spare you and won't post yesterdays flight shot with a frog in its beak! :eek:
"Excellent" set of wildlife style captures Glynn.