Bailey the Lion

Edit My Images
Went to the zoo as a had a couple of hours spare and wanted to test the new lens, and put Tina's advice about my Lioness photo to good use.

Happy with how the lens performed and think I did a better job of framing. Feedback and crit appreciated :)

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Looks nice and sharp and well exposed. I guess that the next thing to think about is composition, it would probably have worked better with the eyes on the left hand of the thirds and looking towards a larger space on the right. Also, the rock on the right need to go.

You clearly took on board advice and you're almost there. Well done.
Thanks Sara, looking at it again I agree about the rock so I've just replaced the original with one with the rock removed.

Not quite getting the composition bit, as he was looking straight at me I put the main focus point (eyes) bang in the middle, between the thirds but you say really it should have been to the left? Sorry but can you just explain it to me as I'm not quite getting it.
Nice and sharp and a great expression too (y)

Unfortunately you have wires in there which do spoil it a little,
as my eyes are drawn towards them.
(Easily cloned out though)
Also a much tighter crop would work better,
there is just too much space IMO
Agree with others regarding space, a portrait crop might work here.

Just to give you an idea

I'd suggested tighter and clone ( 1 minute job)

and Sara's 1/3 comment
you can see (roughly) the 1/3rds


Hope that helps ?
Thanks for the feedback guys, so rock out, wires out, crop in tighter and this is what I have...

Ahhh got it, Cobra thank you. I was thinking of thirds in terms of area rather then guides if that makes sense - your edit made it all clear!
Much better (y) but still a little too central IMO
Glad it helped (y)
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OKay, so putting everything mentioned together this is what I have....


Only other change was a quick pass on the nose with the burn tool on the midtones only.

Phew, next time I'll just take the shot properly composed!
Phew, next time I'll just take the shot properly composed!

on the 8th day God created Photoshop
Alleluia :D

Can't see too much wrong with that (y)

(Now if I was being really picky I would selectively sharpen the eyes just a tad :D)
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Ok last one
Eyes tweaked and a tad USM

Thanks Cobra.

Gone off lions now,I'll be back next week with a photo of a tiger instead!
Thanks Cobra.

Gone off lions now,I'll be back next week with a photo of a tiger instead!

Its not easy
stick with it
Thanks Cobra.

Gone off lions now,I'll be back next week with a photo of a tiger instead!

:whistle: Hope we didn't put you off the poor lions ;)

You are certainly getting the hang of the composition there (y) Well done

Elephants can often be shot at zoos without wires or cages :LOL::LOL::LOL:

If it were easy there would be no sense of achievement when we got it (nearly) right
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Definately a picture that looks heaps better at the end. Regarding composition, most photography books talk about it in varying detail. Go down to your local library and see what book offerings they have. Also, magazines often do a feature on composition, so keep your eye out there and I'm sure you'll see something. There's lots of compostion techniques that can really help you to think about your subject , where to place in the the frame for different effects.