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A friend of mine asked me to shoot his baby in Baptisim... since I mostly shoot in macro dont really know if in the church if I can turn on the flash or not.... Churches especially old one are generally dark
A friend of mine asked me to shoot his baby in Baptisim... since I mostly shoot in macro dont really know if in the church if I can turn on the flash or not.... Churches especially old one are generally dark

nope, plan as if you won't be able to switch it on. If you don't feel you can do it say no to him
do you have access to a wide prime lens- 35mm or 50mm f1.4?? This could negate the use of a flash, as most churches as you say are dark and some vicars from on the use of a flash inside the church

Les (y)
As an ex church warden just a couple of things to think about
Baptism is a sacramental service and you will not be allowed to take any shots during the service itself but most Priests will happily do setup shots after the service
It is a falisy that churches are dark there are plenty well lit allowing shots without flash inside