Basic Home Studio Backdrop/Lighting

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When my niece was 6 months old my sister had some photos done at a local studio. Whilst the photos were "OK" she wasn't completely happy with them and if I was being really critical my rating would be "must try harder".

From what I also remember (this was 3 years ago) they weren't particularly cheap!!

My nephew is now 7 months old and my sister wants some similar shots done on a white background like the ones she had done of Libby.

She's said she'd happily buy or contirbute towards the backdrop/lighting as this would likely be less than she paid for the last lot of photos.

Whilst I know there's more to it than just using a white background and pressing the shutter, I've stumbled across this backdrop/lighting kit and wondered if it's be any good?

From what I've read the key to getting good shots on a white background is making sure there's plenty of light on the backdrop and then using a flash if any additional lighting is needed on the subject?

The bonus is at 3 1/2, Libby is a right little poser to I can play around getting things set up right before I try and get shots of a very wriggly 7 month old that's just learnt to crawl :LOL:
Please don't even think about buying that kit, it's a continuous lighting kit with 2 x 250 Watt halogen bulbs. It will appear blindingly bright, but despite this the power is totally inadequate. It is also unbelievably hot, and there is a real risk of injury if these lights are touched, plus a fire risk. What you need is a studio flash kit.

You need two flash heads on the background and at least one other flash head on the main subject. This 3 head kit from Lencarta will do the job, or there are other kits from other manufacturers.
Russ, I'm going through much the same process at the moment, and have decided to go down the strobist route (using small flashguns as opposed to studio lights).

So far I have ordered two Yongnuo 560 flash guns (I already have a Nikon SB900 and softbox as my third light) and a set of RF 603 Radio triggers from ebay. I'll be looking for a decent background soon, but a length of white cotton will have to suffice until at least next pay day.

I have the EX300 interfit kit bought from Jessops. I only have the two light kit so there is a little more editing involved to get all the background completely white but in my opinion for the price, its a great kit.

The EX150 would probably do just fine also and there even cheaper
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The white background look is not easy. You need a minimum of three lights (two if it's only head and shoulders) but the most important bit is a bit of knowhow and experience.
How about using a lastolite hilite? Although pushing it, you could light it with one speedlight, plus you need a strobe head/speedlight + reflector to light subject.

If you will use it once in a blue moon, then it might be cheaper to go to a studio!
Hi Iris, if you just right click your photo and copy & paste the link to the photo, people will be able to view it without logging into Facebook (or for those without Facebook)

D'oh :bonk: I'll go with the Flickr option instead (it's set to private so should still show right?)

holly by Jen (ie Iris_255), on Flickr
this is my first set up ever!
stay away :)

i mean... it will do teh job as any light realy but please! get few more quid and but descent stuff. one i linked from lencarta will doo for looooong long time and you can buy modifiers. with one from ebay you cant.

thanks for that sab, obviously i have never bought something like this, but i was just having a look round the bay.
yeah!! same me! never had no one to ask... to stupid to look around the forums first lol :bonk:

So i gone on ebay and bought this plastic kit. did the job but after i picked up a bit i wanted something that i can attach modifiers... so needed to buy again... so i say is better to buy once but decent stuff. lencarta is cheap as chips for the quality. it has cooling system too. this ebay thing will melt after few hours of work or will stop working till cool.
I have my background now (black and white).

Had a very brief play on Sunday which involved my Bro-in-law and Mum holding a couple of flash guns and aiming them at the background and using the on-board flash to trigger them and provide fill-in on the subject (my sister and her little'un).

I'll post the results later. Whilst they are far from perfect, with a little help from lightroom my sister was more than happy with the results.

Having said that, I am seriously considering one of the sub £300 Interfit kits available but finding conflicting information about whether I need 2 softboxes, 2 umberellas etc.

The general concensus is two silver lined umberellas to light the background and a softbox for the subject, although I'm pretty confident my Nissin 866i with lightsphere would do the job of lighting the subject.
Don't get silver reflectors for the background, they are the worst possible choice because the light from them is uneven. Get white reflective ones instead
Don't get silver reflectors for the background, they are the worst possible choice because the light from them is uneven. Get white reflective ones instead

Thanks for that Garry.... as it happens I think I've just seen one of your videos on youtube :) Very useful!

As much as I'd love some Lencarta gear right now I just can't justify it :(

Found this kit on eBay but I suspect I know what the consensus will be :LOL:
You get what you pay for when things tend to be cheap and nasty.

I totally appreciate that and that's the problem here......

The eBay kit at under £200 but with all 3 lights/brollys/softboxes and wireless triggers or the Lencarta kit with only 2 lights, 2 brollys and no wireless triggers for £300.

I know the jump in quality would be worth it, just can't justify the £££'s at the moment 'cos they may only get used once in a blue moon....
I totally appreciate that and that's the problem here......

The eBay kit at under £200 but with all 3 lights/brollys/softboxes and wireless triggers or the Lencarta kit with only 2 lights, 2 brollys and no wireless triggers for £300.

I know the jump in quality would be worth it, just can't justify the £££'s at the moment 'cos they may only get used once in a blue moon....

I can't see the eBay kit from work, but suspect it's one of those typical Chinese knock-offs. What you should consider is what happens if part of that kit is damaged/faulty upon delivery, or goes bang within the first year or two? Do they offer warranty? You may have to pay to have it shipped back to the country it came from, which won't be cheap.

In the end, those cheap eBay specials could cost you much more in the long run, but I appreciate you're on a budget.
I can't see the eBay kit from work, but suspect it's one of those typical Chinese knock-offs. What you should consider is what happens if part of that kit is damaged/faulty upon delivery, or goes bang within the first year or two? Do they offer warranty? You may have to pay to have it shipped back to the country it came from, which won't be cheap.

In the end, those cheap eBay specials could cost you much more in the long run, but I appreciate you're on a budget.

I've also considered this.

The seller is from China but has an outlet in Portsmouth, there's a 3 month parts warranty and a year's guarantee.

I totally get the get what you pay for thing as about 5 years ago I was after a machine polisher for my car, ended up shelling out for the "industrial" type that cost a few hundred quid at the time but I knew I'd be using it lots (and I have done and it's lived up to it's reputation as a heavy duty piece of kit).

I have this kit in my eBay basket as I type but what's stopping me pressing "buy" is exactly what you're saying, it does bother me that after one or two uses one of the lights could turn into an expensive paperweight.

Don't really have a budget as such, I could easily afford the £300 Lencarta kit, it's more a case of justifying the cost of something I may get little use from and/or finding out that I really do need an extra light/softbox and having to spend even more.

Having said that, I've not found any real horror stories about these cheap kits. There are a couple of Amazon reviews that seem quite positive.
Every time I post anything at all about these cheap-as-chips kits someone inevitably posts, saying that I'm just trying to talk people into buying Lencarta, which isn't true - the price difference alone pretty much guarantees that people who don't plan to use them much will buy them - but I'll post anyway...

I've (literally) just got back from China and have visited a few of the factories where these cheap lights are made. I've seen them being assembled, from whatever reconditioned parts happen to be available at the time. They offer remarkable value for money, and if you get a good'un you're likely to be happy with it, but there is NO quality control and NO testing, so it's a big risk - the sellers are likely to be happy as long as they last long enough for you to give positive ebay feedback, after that you may have problems if you need repairs.

The biggest single problems are
1. Inconsistent colour and inconsistent flash output - every flash is likely to be different
2. Electrical safety - the 'CE' logo is just printed on, with absolutely no guarantee that the manufacturer has met the standard, let alone has the required certification.
3. 'ROHS' means nothing either, except that, if it actually exists, the product meets the requirements for maximum legal content of mercury etc.
4. Most of them don't have any kind of accessory fitting on them. This means that they can only be used with the 'universal fit' accessories supplied in the kit. Lighting is all about the modifiers used, so this is a big one. If they do happen to have 'S-fit' then it may not fit S-fit accessories.

As for the lack of negative reviews, these things are made by almost all large and small manufacturers, using common tooling. They all look very similar because of this, but may have different contents. They are sold with absolutely no branding on them, the buyers add their own branding. Because of this, although there are dozens (or more) different brands, the names mean nothing and give no indication of the maker. Therefore, a search under the name is very unlikely to produce any feedback, good or bad, on the actual product.

Having said all that, if you're lucky you can get a usable light that can give good service within its limitations. If you're unlucky you can get something that fails or catches fire very soon after buying it.
Well I certainly wouldn't say you were pushing Lencarta equipment on to me Garry :)

Your comments have been very useful for both Lencarta and these cheap Chinese units, what you say about the latter makes complete sense with regards to their cost & reliability and lack of feedback.

Lencarta gear seems to sell itself to a point, I've only read positive comments about it and the aftersales care seems second to none!

If I went for something like the Lencarta Starter Kit, would using my current Nissin flash with a Lightsphere attached trigger the flash heads without the need for a radio trigger?
Well I certainly wouldn't say you were pushing Lencarta equipment on to me Garry :)

Your comments have been very useful for both Lencarta and these cheap Chinese units, what you say about the latter makes complete sense with regards to their cost & reliability and lack of feedback.

Lencarta gear seems to sell itself to a point, I've only read positive comments about it and the aftersales care seems second to none!

If I went for something like the Lencarta Starter Kit, would using my current Nissin flash with a Lightsphere attached trigger the flash heads without the need for a radio trigger?
I haven't used that particular hotshoe flash, and other people can give you much better advice, but basically as long as it doesn't fire a pre-flash, it will be fine.
I started with and still have interfit stellar lights, one had went bang and I replaced it with a Lencarta smart flash, wow what a difference in build quality, consistency and quality of light, Lencarta lights start at something daft like £115 delivered. I'd recommend starting with 1 light and building it up, you should also get a Ir trigger if you don't want radio triggers, there cheap as chips also
Not read the whole thread do if you haven't already, have a look at this thread we've been running for a while now.

Lots of ideas and help with setting up home studio shoots, and shows how very simple setups can get great results.

P.S I also use a Lencarta smartflash as my key light, very happy with quality for price!
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Not read the whole thread do if you haven't already, have a look at this thread we've been running for a while now.

Lots of ideas and help with setting up home studio shoots, and shows how very simple setups can get great results.

P.S I also use a Lencarta smartflash as my key light, very happy with quality for price!

Cracking thread! Thanks for pointing that out, given me lots of inspiration!

The clear perspex for going over the part of the background that sits on the floor is GENIUS!!

Heavily leaning towards the Lencarta Starter kit as I reckon with a little extra PP work I'll get perfectly acceptable results!
I've had a couple of different types of flash heads, interfit, portal lash etc and have had my lencarta smart flashes for a couple of years. I bought them second hand and they are battered and dented. Saying that, they fire every time, and I haven't had to replaces bulb yet.

They are now in use in my little studio and are on for a good few hours a day..

Spend the extra, and go lencarta. You will save money in the long run as they are s fit mounts and you can build up your modifiers :) you will only loose money with the chinese imports, even if you sell them on
Just my tuppence worth. I've had a Lencarta Smartflash set for 2yrs now. Not had a single failed flash, still working great. I will be upgrading to the Elite Pro's later this year. Probably a ringflash too.
Why stick with Lencarta? Because Garry treats his customers how I treat mine.He cares. That means a lot to me.

I'd also go for the lencarta kit. It isn't that much more, has a solid reputation, has loads of modifiers (you really should buy based on availability and cost of decent modifiers IMHO as you can spend many times more on the modifiers than the lights). Second hand values aren't bad either.
My Lencarta Starter kit arrived today :) Only ordered it on Sunday so top marks for speed of delivery!

Glad I went for this kit as it "feel" extremely well put together everything worked perfectly out of the box!

Thanks for everyone for their input (especially Garry) and I'll try and get some shots up soon......
I have 2 lencarta smartflashes both with umbrella's and 1 jessops 360afd speedlight I get good results from them, plan on getting another 3 smart flashes in a few weeks with softboxes etc but for a start 2 is plenty. I also use seamless paper rolls for the backdrop, makes lighting much easier and they are only £40odd quid

Heres some of my work
I have 2 lencarta smartflashes both with umbrella's and 1 jessops 360afd speedlight I get good results from them, plan on getting another 3 smart flashes in a few weeks with softboxes etc but for a start 2 is plenty. I also use seamless paper rolls for the backdrop, makes lighting much easier and they are only £40odd quid

Heres some of my work

Thanks for the examples Danny!

Going to be using my new gear in anger on Sunday....... my nearly 4 year old niece and nearly 1 year old nephew and seeing as the rest of the family will be over at my sister's, probably anyone else who'll sit still for long enough :LOL:
Just a wee thing to note if you arent going to use your lights very often.

Apparently they need to be switched on fairly regularily or the capacitors will start to play up.:thinking: I have never seen this mentioned anywhere but when I first got mine they were not used much. Once I started using them more regularily they would start to squeal after about 120-140 flashes! I reported this to Lencarta and they suggested it was lack of use causing the issues with the lights.

(and my radio triggers failed - guess I got a Friday afternoon kit!):D

Overall good lights though - just wish I'd known about this capacitor issue beforehand.
Just a wee thing to note if you arent going to use your lights very often.

Apparently they need to be switched on fairly regularily or the capacitors will start to play up.:thinking: I have never seen this mentioned anywhere but when I first got mine they were not used much. Once I started using them more regularily they would start to squeal after about 120-140 flashes! I reported this to Lencarta and they suggested it was lack of use causing the issues with the lights.

(and my radio triggers failed - guess I got a Friday afternoon kit!):D

Overall good lights though - just wish I'd known about this capacitor issue beforehand.

Since I spent a lot more (double) on them than planned I may be using them a lot more frequently but thanks for the tip!
I looked into the cheap stuff and the other proper brands. In the end I got some used bowens lights which have performed perfectly. I would rather have good quality than perceived quality anyday.