Basic pointers for indoor glamour shot?

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I have been asked by a close friend to take some sensual / erotic images of her with the intention of giving as a gift to her boyfriend who is away in the forces...

The shots will be in a luxury hotel room, luckily with floor to ceiling windows so light should not be too bad.

I have Canon 400D and 18:55, 70:300 lenses, and Canon 580 flash.

Any tips and pointers greatfully accepted.
First tip would be to bounce the 580EX off the ceiling and pull out the little white card to give highlights in the eyes. The mirrors may actually be a problem if they are in shot at all as you may appear in the reflections!

For tighter shots use your 70-300 but otherwise the 18-55 will be fine. Set f8 to optimise the resolution of your lenses - neither are known for the their sharpness wide open. You could always pic up a nifty-fifty cheap to allow you to get sharp shots while blurring the background more.

Posing - I'd trawl the web for poses you like and print them out to use a starting points on the day.

Good luck!

Thanks for your tips, yes we have a file of some of the images we would like, some of which involve the voyeuristic style of taking the picture looking into the mirror.

How do I make sure there is no bounce from flash etc?
I would say you want to bounce the flash as this will provide soft and even light across the room. If you are firing your flash into the mirror then bounce with the white card down to avoid flaring from the reflection.

As an alternative try bouncing the flash back and up over your left shoulder so it reflects in a corner. That way you get difused light bouncing into the room from three different angles. Much more even. You will need to push up the flash output though.

Bouncing from the ceiling isn't always very flattering
Thanks for your help guys - will let you know how I get on!
...Bouncing from the ceiling isn't always very flattering


It tends to stick horrible, dark shadows under the eyes and under chins if you're not careful... Whatever flash power you were think of using for a ceiling bounce, knock it up by at least a stop (maybe more depending on distances etc). :)

Don't forget you can also use simple reflectors white card or similar, or cover with kitchen foil. Use them for bouncing light around You can even use an anglepoise or other lamps just remember the white balance.