Bathtime for my Parrot

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She loves it really.


Fun shots, but how on earth to you "bath" a parrot!?
Are they soft fluffy white under-feathers, or bubbles from the bubblebath?

^^^ That's a serious question. I know nowt about birds or parrots.

Are they soft fluffy white under-feathers, or bubbles from the bubblebath?

That'll be the "down" you don't put detergent or any form of soap on birds
it strips the oils from their feathers
Gawd, I really am quite dense when it comes to some things!

To be fair, its not something that you would think about in everyday life
unless you kept and "understood" birds (y)
She has regular showers to keep her feathers in goos condition. As she is naturally from the rain forest she would get wet everyday. Regular showers encourage the production of the natural oils.
Brilliant pictures. The first one looks as though she's about to dive into the bath for a second go! :)
Wow awesome! She looks very similar to a Hans Macaw. My Conure doesn't mind her showers too much. Although one parrot I know of loves jumping into the sink everytime the tap is turned on!
Thanks everyone. Glad they made you smile. Shak, she is a Red Lored Amazon. Makes a fuss about bathtime until I start spraying her then she loves it.