Battery corrosion damage: Ivor solution


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Severely corroded battery contacts are usually terminal, if you'll please excuse the pun :bonk:
But remove the offending part and soak it in hydrochloric acid, and it can resolve your problem quickly and easily.
NB: :eek: Warning: This acid is lethal stuff, so handle with great care !!
What I used was an off-the-shelf product called 'Wonder Wheels' by Car Plan, available at most motor care type stores.
Cheers (y)
Handy to know, I wonder if it works on stained silver?
Stained silver polishes up nicely with wet cigarette ash. I done it many times. Just dip a damp cloth into some ash and rub it in over and over, and the silver comes up like new.
Stained silver polishes up nicely with wet cigarette ash. I done it many times. Just dip a damp cloth into some ash and rub it in over and over, and the silver comes up like new.

if ever there was an excuse to smoke this is it!!!

just think, start yourself up as a polisher business and put all them ciggerettes through the company and claim the tax etc back. Brilliant idea:p

Be Wary of highly concentrated hydrochloric acid, it will cause all kinds of problem, it will attack some but not all plastics, and will allow the Hydrogen Chloride gas to boil off, and attack your, eyes, lungs etc. :runaway:

I speak from painful experience that this stuff is to be highly respected!
Waits for someone to complain their camera body has melted.
Stained silver polishes up nicely with wet cigarette ash. I done it many times. Just dip a damp cloth into some ash and rub it in over and over, and the silver comes up like new.

The silver I have in mind is/are (cheap) Russian tea glass holders all fiddly bendy twirly bits, impossible to clean or polish the normal way and all black with age.
The silver I have in mind is/are (cheap) Russian tea glass holders all fiddly bendy twirly bits, impossible to clean or polish the normal way and all black with age.

You can get a 'magic' plate of some alloy or other, which when dosed with a tablespoon of washing soda and extremely hot water melts the tarnish off electrolytically (?sp) the the tranished article in contact with it. Really works a treat and the solution gets in all the wrinkly bits as well! Need asbestos hands though to get the stuff out of the water.

I have one and use it for cleaning the cocktail shaker... and my christening spoon!
