BCCC sweetlamb

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Hi all,

Did my First ever motorsport event today (for fun not profit), It was the British Cross Country Championship held at sweetlamb just up the road from me.

Had a fantastic day and the other pro togs whore really helpful. I started the day shooting RAW but ended up converting to jpg due to running out of space too quick (must get more cards). I took a shed load of shot and managed to get a few that I was happy with, Really started to notice the limitations of a 450D *** (good excuse for an upgrade).

Here are a few that I have selected:






I have also realised that I really do need a larger zoom lens, just could not get the reach. I would really like some input on these and welcome any advice.

thanks in advance

I love them! Thanks for sharing.

Especially like number 4, and the RS200 based one. Converting that to B&W works well, gives it an 80's retro appeal. Which makes sense!

I'll need to keep an eye on the BCCC events, I'd like to start going to watch them again.

that last one I will admit was cheer luck. It was taken towards the end as I was walking back to the start line, I was frozen solid and it had just started raining. I managed to get into the right position just at the last second, he had just come off a corner and over a jump (that I missed),

The weather had been great all day, Hoping to go back tommorow as they will be using the water splashes (weather permitting).
The AWDC and NORC will be running tommorow as well, cars all over the place!
I like no 3 (y)
Thanks for the replies all

MadBuggy: Thanks for the information, Ive been up about an hour and will be heading down again this morning (y)

will get some more from today uploaded all being well this afternoon

thanks again in advance

Hi Mark

I was nice to meet you yesterday, I was one of the guys you was talking to in the afternoon (the taller one lol) ... you've come away with an excellent set of images, you would never guess it was your first motorsport event!

Hopefully see you on other events in the future.
tog whore

Sounds like Ben Gilbert to me :LOL:

As for the images Mark, you've made a good fist of it considering it was your first Motorsport event.

The only criticism I can make is the lack of variation in the set, but as I said above cracking effort for a motorsport virgin.

#4 is the pick of the set for me.

All the best,

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Thanks for all the replies everyone,

jbanbury: It was good to meet you as well, thanks for the advice and would be good to catch up with you at another event soon.

Well after another morning of shooting, This time I was down in the Bowl. The Lighting was not as good as yesterday and at times I was struggling to get the shutter speeds I wanted without pushing the ISO too high. I also got a chance to practice some panning, Its a lot harder than people make out and I will practicing some more ready for the WRC in November.

Here are a few from today:






Was not as spectacular as yesterday as far as jumps go but still had a great time.

Thanks again in advance

Great set of images, looks as if you had good light as well. You must be very pleased with these - I know that I would be.
I think I walked passed you actually, I should have said hi, pair of lads with blue caps on wander past you?
Thanks everyone for the fantastic feedback, Cannot tell you how over the moon I am with some of these shots. I am still going through all the photos to see if there are any that I have missed, going to take a while.

james-rally-nut - I agree having such fantastic opportunities right on our door step really is great, Ive so overlooked these until now.

MadBuggy - I think I know who are are now, I was so engrossed with the action and trying not to get hit by any more stones (had enough of that yesterday - got the bruises to prove it), Im sure we will get a chance to meet again anyway.

TinaC - The first as you have said is the lack of memory cards, I normally shoot in raw but had to shoot jpg for the first time in ages due to filling cards too quick. I did not have an issue with battery power as I have a spare and found the two more than enough. I did find that I could have done with more reach and as such I have had to crop some of my shots, a new 70-200 f/4 or secondhand f/2.8 is on the cards in the near future as a result.
The other thing I found was how slow the 450D is at 1. Frame Rate and 2. Tracking in AF-Servo Mode, I really could have done with having a few extra fps for jumps and splash's etc...

I think Ive been bitten, why I have not gotten into this type of photography is beyond. I have that many opportunities right on my doorstep that I have overlooked. I will be making an effort to go to as many as possible from now on, I might even have to re-evaluate my options as far as my new body goes. If anyone knows of any local rallies coming up please let me know, I would love to get some more experience.

Thanks again for all the fantastic feedback all

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Hmm, next AWDC one is at Ebbw Vale (cold, wet, very, very muddy!), might be a bit of a trek!

As for stones, just think yourself lucky we didn't get ours fixed in time :LOL:
I'll already own up to us having covered some poor unsuspecting soul and his Canon from head to toe in an inch of mud at an event a couple of years back. He wasn't very happy for some reason :D

Anyway, if any of you guys start running out of camera space at the AWDC events, then hunt me out (codriver, car 38, red + silver 2wd buggy), we usually have a laptop you can clear them off onto and some DVD's for our datalogging backup, even if we don't have that I occasionally have my camera + spare batteries + SD cards you can borrow so long as I get them back.
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Great set of photo's! I can help get 2, 4 and 5 back to the owners if you like?

What are you planning on doing with the pics and do you have any more of the Land Rover in pic 5 (number 31). Our normal car wasn't ready so we had to use the spare car!

When racing we see so many photographers and rarely see the photo's.

There were a couply of photographers near section 4 and when going across the rough I clipped the horn button and they though they were in the way. Was funny seeing them running and jumping away.. Sorry!
Oh, and next BCCC round has been moved to Seven Sisters (Walters Arena) and 23rd & 24th October.