Beach huts...... HDR warning

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Took this the other day whilst waiting to pick my daughter up from dancing.

I know HDR can be a bit of a marmite thing but the picture needed something as it was looking a bit flat. Its done from 2 exposures which was by accident as when i first took this shot i hadnt reset my exposure compensation, turned out being quite useful in the end.

I'm happy with the colour of the beach huts but i know the sky could do with something and maybe a crop to get rid of the dead space on the right? The picture was quite noisy and have gotten rid of most of it, but there is still some in the sky. Still, quite pleased with it as i haven't done a great deal of HDR.

Open to c&c good or bad.

Littlehampton Beach huts
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fantastic effect,the colours of the huts looks wonderful against the angry looking sky,love it! thanks for sharing.
I love a nice subtle hdr, but this is way, way overcooked.
Love the huts Dan - popping off the page. I'd be tempted to reprocess for the sky and ground. Think it may work better if these areas were more subdued / less HDR.
I would agree with Charles above, Huts great, compostion great, sky just a little heavy....
The first I've came across HDR, new to this... I loiike it :)
Thanks for taking time to comment guys, much appreciated and all comments taken on board as i'm still learning.
Never heard of HDR before, but will now try it out.Fantastic photo

With HDR less is more if you know what I mean, it can help a photo.

If you are going to go too far, go really far with it, really over the top stuff as it has a comic book drawn effect that some people really like.

Anything in the middle and you won't get many liking it as its a very marmite effect.