Beacon Hill at night long exposure

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Not posted a photo on here for a while so go easy :) I took this just after sunset. 8 second exposure. C+C welcome.

I was shooting at f/16 iso 200 so to get a much longer exposure i'd have to use something like a 10 stop ND filter but then i'd lose the formation in the clouds
Nice Contrast ....
Thanks there's absolutely no HDR here whatsoever, not even a contrast adjust. The only one thing i did in post is a very very slight bit of unsharp mask - so slight that you wouldn't even notice it at this resolution
Hi thanks nick, no filter on this just 8 seconds at f/16 in the dark and straight out the camera
No the sky really was that dark, as you can see the sun has just gone down and it was just after a heavy rainstorm. I couldn't believe how black the sky was when i looked out. I live down in the town (over to the left in the picture) and the sun sets in the middle. I could see that the sun was still shining up on the hill so knowing some drama was about to unfold i grabbed the camera and ran out to the car. Just as i was leaving the house i noticed a rainbow which meant the sky had dropped but i got in my car anyway! By the time i got there it was raining really hard but the sunshine coming over the top of the hill was so intense it was almost blinding. I was really tempted to take my camera across the field to the edge of the hill but i knew i'd just get soaked so i sat it out until the worst of it was over and then wrapped my cam in a pair of waterproof trousers and made my way out. Then when the sun went down i went back to the car to get my tripod, came back and snapped this.

Here's another one, not as wide but you can see the main street just to the right of the beacon is the dark orange line in the above pic.


This one is HDR by the way :)
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Perfect composition and contrast. That is one brilliant photograph
To me, amazing atmosphere.