Beetle 2 (56k)

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This was what he got....


brilliant again ken, but tell me, is the paintwork cream/white and patchy, or is it just my screen.
Boon said:
brilliant again ken, but tell me, is the paintwork cream/white and patchy, or is it just my screen.
Yes it's off white, the patchy bits I didn't notice at the time....especially under those conditions BUT it is patchy. The guy was telling me that he hadn't long bought it and that over the winter he'll be taking the numbers and stripes off and giving it a respray. It's not in bad nick really considering.
Ven said:
And was he pleased with the end result ?

He should be ... very !

He was, so was I...he only got the last pic but I'm hoping I may be able to sell him some large prints of some of the others when he gets to see them.
I'm also hoping that after he has done any work he has planned, he may be interested in some AFTER shots.......
Thanks fot the comments.
A very workman-like job you've done there Ken, especially having it put on your toes at short notice in less than ideal conditions. You've really made the most of the situation.... well done! (y)

No4... is great! Try doing a version with the wheel popping out of the bottom of the frame. I bet you'd sell it. ;)
They look great Ken, Nice work, I've learnt just a little more viewing this thread.

I like #4 ...and I think CTs idea is brilliant.

I like #7 too; it's just got such a cool and professional look to me, a really polished and thoughtful mounting that’s somehow just bang on.... Good choice.

That smaller Pylon shot looks good also, with the clouds and that. :) ....hint. ;)

Great work ...TFS.
Like the composition of the shots, but most have rain spots on the lens ? #1 has lots, #4 2 over front wheel ? This new monitor shows up every detail :shrug:

Also like the small shot with pylon. Hope you sell some of the shots :)
Just seen your 1st set of shots where you explained the weather...doh.
really impressive Ken, great work under pressure (y)
Thanks guy's appreciate the comments....He's been on the phone and asked me to print number four, I suggested doing the wheel outside the frame (as Ct said) but he just wants it the way it is. I'll still have a go at doing that when I get time...handy to remember for other shots like that.
Thanks again.
Save you a job then Ken. :D


It's a bit gimmicky I suppose, but if you're going commercial you gotta cover all the angles. ;)
CT said:
Save you a job then Ken. :D
CT said:
It's a bit gimmicky I suppose,
Does look more "Herbie" now doesn't it!
Thanks Ct. Got another call...he also wants the first pic in the other thread.
Maybe the 17-40L is on the horizon.....or a flash :thinking: :shrug:
Thanks again.
Oooh...tough call Ken. Is it though? You're primarily a landscape man... the 17-40L gets my vote. ;)
lovely shots, nicely done in difficult conditions!
I like the image with the wheel intruding into the surround, how is that done?
Hacker said:
I like the image with the wheel intruding into the surround, how is that done?

There's umpteen ways to tackle it, but what I did is...

1. Carefully draw a mask around the wheel, copy and paste the wheel as a new image for now( with a transparent background).

2. Using a rectangular mask tool, now cut out the the bottom border and now paste that as a new image for now.

3. Using the rectangular mask tool, cut away the bottom part of the image up to the level where you want the tyre to start intruding into the frame.

4. Using your saved image cut and paste the bottom border section back into the pic so it mates properly all around.

5 .Using your saved wheel image, cut and paste the wheel back into the pic as a new layer lining it up over the original. The wheel should now be overlapping the border by the required amount.

6. The drop shadow under the wheel is just added to the wheel layer and adjusted so the shadow is thrown down and to the right. In PSP the wheel has to be an 'object' rather than a layer to apply the drop shadow. I can't remember how that works in PS?

You may have to do a bit of messing about and tidying up, but that's the bones of it, you should be able to work it out from that. :)