before and after

Carl Davis
Edit My Images
not sure where the best place to post this was.

Ive been messing around with this image the model wanted the pose, I just didnt have the right place to take the shot, so I made the enviroment in ps


I really like the work thats gone into this :clap:
Well done, if you'd shown it without the original I'm not sure I would have spotted it
That is breathtakingly good work.
thanks everyone.

The enviroment was made using textures and the perspective tool, I also painted some of the shadows back in and other dark areas. also a lot of tidy masking.
Took me 5 minutes to spot the difference between the 2 shots! The model is stunning.

Great editing.
Nice work Carl. Although goes to show models should keep to modelling, in my opinion the pose ruins your good work.
Carl you have done a staggering job in post. I would be proud of this, immensely proud. Good job man. Hats off to you.
Perfectpiece of manipulation. I never would have guessed had you not said.
Wow. I wouldn't have guessed that you'd made the room yourself. That's some pretty impressive photoshop work!
That's another thing on the list of things to learn for me!
Just loving your photoshop work.

How would you advise someone that wanted to learn how to do things like this?

Are there any specific books that you could recommend?

I've tried simillar things to this, but never seems to go right. :bang:

Thanks for the comments everyone. I have had a good amount of interest about my photoshop work from posting these so I decided to look into setting up some simple photoshop courses. so if anyone is interested let me know.