Beginner - Canon 350d or 400d?

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I've always been interested in photography, and have finally got around to looking for a camera.
My friend got the Canon EOS 350d a year ago, and I remember it being fantastic back then.

I've looked around on eBay (because thats the only place with prices I can afford) at the Canon EOS 400d, but researching on various photography forums, I've read that there isn't much difference between the 350d and the 400d.

Basically, the question here is:
I'm a beginner looking for a camera that will last me for a few years, is there much difference between the 350d and the 400d, and if there is, could I warrant spending the extra £100 on getting the 400d over the 350d?

Also, if you can recommend another decent second hand camera within the £250-£350 price range, I'd be interested.

Thankyou very much for your time.
I would think you'd have a few choices in your price range. Go to a shop and handle some other makes. You might like the feel of something other than Canon. I'm sure there will be someone along soon with 350D and 400D experience to pass on. just check out all your options before deciding.

Welcome to the forums.
Hi there,

I have a 350D and a 400D so I suppose I can give you some of my thoughts.

The first thing is that the 2.5in screen on the 400D makes quite a lot of difference when reviewing the photos, the 1.8in screen on the 350D seems so small now.

The controls on the 400D seem a bit more intuative, but that might be just due to me using the 400D all the time now.

Price wise, you can get a new 350D with kit lens from warehouse express for £379 and a 400D (body only) for £437 (but with £50 cash back) so £387. I think you should be able to pick up the 18-55mm kit lens on eBay for about £30 so there isn't a great deal to choos bewteen them on price.

In terms of image quality I don't think there is a great deal to choose between them, but personally I would go for the 400D it being a newer model etc.

Any way these are my thoughts for what they are worth.

I am bias I only have the 400D and like CJ love the layout of the controls Though some people find it a little on the small size. I don't find it a problem though with my medium to large hands
Thank you for your friendly and welcoming advice.
I already have a kit lens, 18-55mm, that said friend gave to me off his camera.
Robert, do you have any recommendations at cameras around my price range? The only camera shop near me is a tiny Jessops in town, and I've only ever seen the latest range of cameras. They don't seem to stock earlier models.
Since you already have the kit lens, and your mate obviously has a Canon I would by a Canon! At your price range a s/h 350d should be achievable, there are some in the Classified ads in this forum.

I was in a similar position last year and bought the 350D and spent the £££ saved on memory cards and put some aside for better lenses. I don't regret my decision. But beware it becomes addictive, I must have spent £800 on lenses since and £300 on filters!!

Mr Perceptive
If possible I would go for the 400D for the screen. It's the only real advantage of the 400D over the 350D as far as I am concerned, but it does make a big difference having a larger screen.
Is the Nikon D70/D80 better than the Canon EOS 350d/400d respectively?
Or are they completely different?

The d70 is 6mp while the 350d is 8mp, and the d80 is 10mp, the same as the 400d, but is a few £££ more.
I know there are more important features than how many megapixels a camera has, but this is just a brief look at them.

I think considering I already have the lens, and I've already had a go with a canon camera, I've got my mind set on the 350d/400d.
Feel free to change my mind if you think Nikon/Olympus equivalents are worth a look.

I think its worth spending the extra money on the 400d just for the bigger screen and resale value. I can get it, as CJ said, £387 new.

Thanks for the input guys. You're all ever so nice :)

I think I'll stick around.

If you are on a tight budet, then the 400D might just be out of reach as you need to factor in a memory card and somekind of case as well, this is going to take it to £425+ (assuming you get a decent memory card (ie 1Gb+ and fast)

Just remember these items don't come with the camera

Mr Perceptive

If you are on a tight budet, then the 400D might just be out of reach as you need to factor in a memory card and somekind of case as well, this is going to take it to £425+ (assuming you get a decent memory card (ie 1Gb+ and fast)

Just remember these items don't come with the camera

Mr Perceptive

Ah, the accessories aren't going to be a problem.
I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat, but my parents said they'd pay half for the camera if I got good GCSE results.
But not over £400. So I'm okay to pay half for the camera and then buy the accessories myself.
Thanks for the advice though.

I had a look at the d40. It doesn't have a motor, so there is a restricted number of lenses you can use. Or something like that.
Im a film camera man myself. Shoot 6x6 as i feel still 10 times better than digital.

But digital has its time and place. For digital i use the 400d and are extremly happy with it. I had a canon d60 before which is one of the first dslr well the first canon 6megapixel dslr. The d60 was around the same size as 10d 20d 30d etc. The 400d is tint compared and alot of people dont like the size. I have big hands but much prefer the smaller sized dslr. I think the 400d is great for beginner or almost pro level.
have you considered a nikon d40x? I got one a few weeks ago, and its a lovely little camera. the images quality is on parr, and have actually been reviewed as slightly better than the canon 400D, in some photography magazines. i really wanted to get a canon 400D initially, but on handling both the nikon d40x and the 400D, the nikon felt much better in my hands. good luck with whichever you decide
You could also maybe try and stretch to a second hand 20D?

If it was a choice between the 350 and the 400 I would go for the 400, it's the later model and the money difference (as noted above) isn't that great. Plus for the benefit of the larger screen and the antidust (while it has its naysayers I would say it's a pretty handy feature).

That said, those are only the Canon options, and it's worth noting that the 350 and 400 are small cameras in the hand. Some people just cannot hold them comfortably, so I would say going into Jessops or the like is a must and actually playing with one.
Just to add another option, how about a Canon 10d. I have one of these and way prefer it to my 350d, and 20/30d ive used. If you do manage to find one second hand, you would not be disapointed, they are real workhorses.
Just to add another option, how about a Canon 10d. I have one of these and way prefer it to my 350d, and 20/30d ive used. If you do manage to find one second hand, you would not be disapointed, they are real workhorses.

If you go Here and then go to Used Kit, Digital Cameras, Canon cameras there's a used 10d at the top for £229 :)
I'm no expert. Alot of my photographing is taking photos of products... but I have had a fair amount of experience with manipulating images from both cameras.
The 400D has more MP (obviously - no real advantage to that apart from it may give you extra clarity when you resize your images - so I've found anyway and I use Paintshop pro)

As far as the screen goes - I think 'so what'. You can take so many images for nothing now it doesn't matter how many you real off. The CF cards are real cheap now. I found out the other day you c an get a 16GB for what I paid for a 1GB a couple of years ago! Amzing stuff....

And then you have the sensor cleaning thing. Every time you turn on the 400d it is supposed to shake the dust off the censor (is that right guys?). This maybe sounds more than it is?

Another point is search the completed listings on ebay. If you are lucky you can get a 350d body close to £200.

So in my opinion: if you need on right now try and win one for £200 on ebay.

Not sure about the 20d as I have no experience there.....
I've got the 400D and I'm more than happy with it. But then I've not had anything else to compare it with. The large screen is good, although if you wear makeup it gets smeared all over it :LOL::LOL: (girly advice there!!) Not sure if the sensor dust cleaner is just a gimmick but my seems ok at the moment. The choice of lenses available is quite wide. The best thing to do is go and have a look at some and see what one you feel comfortable with. ;)
I've got the 400D.... The choice of lenses available is quite wide.

That is true. Is started taking photos 10 years ago with an eos 1000FN (stll have it but it freezes up ocassionally either in cold weather or when it has been used for a while... just doesn't work suddenly and you have to replace the battery and hope it works again..... any advice on this as an aside?)

Anyway my point is that it was a gift from my Mum (I was into Tim Henman in a big way and went to see lots of tennis... all my shots were of tiny tennis players so she bought me my first fit: 1000fn with canon 75-300 zoom and a tamron (think the tamron was 28-90). It was great... and now I have no cash what so ever I still have that 75-300 canon lens and it fits my 400d.... sure it is slow compared with the brand new kit lens (AF is slow) but it is still a great lens for close ups.... So convenient that I am glad that I stuck with eos all this time....

I have also bought cheapo macro lenses that screw on like a filter... (they blur it a bit if you look at the full image but are great if you are shrinking your images anyway)... I never did try a telephoto but it is real easy to get any of that sort of bodgey cheapo stuff (that poor people like me use cos we can't afford to tip top gear LOL) for an eos fit....

Not that canon would recommend any of that stuff...

These are some macro lenses like mine LOL:

Only mine came in from Poland not india....
I went into Curry's today and had a feel of the Canon 400d.
I liked it, it felt just right. I don't have the biggest hands in the world either.
Eos user, what do you mean search the completed listings on ebay? :thinking:
I have both 350 and 400 (arent i lucky) and I use the 400 all the time, 350 as back up, 400 has a bigger screen on back which makes all the difference.
I think that I will be going for the 350d now, just because of the price. The 400d and 350d in currys today looked as if they had the same basic features, just the 400d had a bigger screen and more megapixels.
I went into Curry's today and had a feel of the Canon 400d.
I liked it, it felt just right. I don't have the biggest hands in the world either.
Eos user, what do you mean search the completed listings on ebay? :thinking:

Search for something on ebay, like '350d' and it brings you up the results... then just go down on the left hand column and tcik the box that says 'Completed listings'

Click the button below that which says 'show items' and the page will reload to show you previously ended ebay items and their prices. If you are looking for a camera body be careful to go to the digitical cameras category (select on the left) as there will be alot of accessories advertised and theya re difficult to wade through.
Here is a link to a search that you get:

You have to really search but you can get one for a good price.. some lucky b***ard got this one:
If it helps, I've just this moment listed my two week old 30D? Not sure if it fits in the budget, but if you'd like a link, feel free to chuck me a PM :)

The 350D is excellent but if buying new go for the 400D as it has a few nicer things on it.

What you have to remember with all the Canon cameras is that each level in their range isn't miles apart from the one above, but you might get lucky and get one thats got the newer features before the higher end ones get it. Currently the 400D is the second newest camera in Canon's range (the newest being the top end 1D-N MkIII). So it currently has features that are not present in the 30D or the 5D. Ok, so it hasn't got everything those two do, but bang for buck its the best camera in the range IMHO.

Buy it! You'll love it!
Yes but as far as pictures what is the difference between a 350d and a 400d? I think not much.
I have only had my 400d for a short while ..snip.. but as far as I can tell it is just the same as the 350d but with a couple more MP.
So I think... so what really. Fine I sold on my 350d to another friend who was after one after I got my 400d and he is over the moon with it. Apaprt from that self cleaner thing (which could be a gimmick anyway) there seems to be not much difference.

So if you are short of a buck or two I'd try winning a 350d for a couple of hundred. They'll go low on ebay at the mo cos everyone is obsessed with the 400d instead and if you use a snipe engine (like that even groups them, so you input 50 cameras into gixen all with the same group and it bids on one and then on bids on the next if you don't win the first etc...)
Put in a number like £220 plus P&P and you could get a bargain.


Anyway - even if you can't wait you should get a 350d by sniping on ebay within a couple of weeks, especially if you only need the body. Good luck!
Yes but as far as pictures what is the difference between a 350d and a 400d?

2 more megapixels?

More AF points?

Bigger buffer size?

Perhaps less dust?

I'd say it was worth the very little difference in price!!
yeah i would go for for the 400d if i could, but tbh im happy with my 350d and there isnt much difference between features, but if the price is your concern 350d went down in price when the 400d came out, i got mine with kit lens in the box for £300 of ebay. So get whatever you can ! (400d!)
The only problem is, for college I need a film camera as well, because in photography we're learning how to develop film.
If I can pick up a 350d for £220, I can then put £100 aside for a cheap film camera that will do me okay for college.
You won't need as much as £100 for the film camera, something like this and you can even use the lens on the 350d. I'd be surprised if it makes £30. Look this kit only went for £50 and has two lenses that work fine on a 350D (I know beacuse I have them both!!!)

One the reasons I went for the 350D was that I had an EOS-1000 with a couple of lenses and I can use the lens on the 350D (BTW the EOS1000 is going to my brother, sorry, who is still in the world of film)

Maybe gives you a bit more to play with on the digital SLR front.

Mr Perceptive
You won't need as much as £100 for the film camera, something like this An eos-1000 would be fine as a film camera... but personally (I had a 1000fn then upgraded to a 300 before I went digitial) I'd find it clunky to use my 1000fn again. The 300 is more like the digital ones to handle.
My 1000fn freezes up if you use it alot or if it is really cold... it worked fne for ages and now it is just stuck in abox somehwere. They go real cheap on ebay.

Everyone is right about the lenses - as I go on about kmy old 75-300 lens which is so brill now I have it on my digital camera.
What I would say is this: the older lenses built for the film camera are typically 28-80 or 90mm. You'll find this too close for landscapes on your 350d,400d as the lenses act differently with a film or digital eos (someone else can explain this alot better than I ever could lol) but since you have the kit lens already then you are already set up! You could be completely set up with 2 bodies and maybe even another eos lens for £300!!!
I got a great film camera from a car boot sale for £15, and im not even kidding its great, came with a filter worth more than what i paid for it!! So like above dont worry about putting too much aside for the film camera
<Numpty Edit>

As I said earlier I would go for a 350d (second hand) and try for something with as many extra bits as possible (bag/memory/batteries etc), the only real world difference ebetween the 350d and 400d (if you don't plan to try and print big) is going to be the size of the LCD, which in reality is no indication of a capture anyway, and will primarily be used for the histogram (which doesn't need to take up even 1.8") and menu/function selection. A film camera will be quite cheap as others have said (circa £50), so concentrate on the DSLR price.
No idea why my earlier post was deleted, but ho hum! (nothing like a bit of random censorship),

Are you for real? Is talkphotography big-brother like? Or was it a page load error etc....?

I was a member of a forum (won't link and shame) and they were so anal about alot of things and went round delting things... not a good environment. Please tell me TP is not like this! :)
2 more megapixels?

More AF points?

Bigger buffer size?

Perhaps less dust?

I'd say it was worth the very little difference in price!!

Very little difference in price? I think the difference between £250 total and £400 total (even if you count the cashback whihc is on at the moment) is ALOT! I get by using free cameras I have managed to get hold of and those cheapo macro lens for £12 LOL So it is alot to me and maybe others. Although not alot in photographer's terms maybe :)
Wooooahh hold your horses there my pathogenic bacterial friend!

This was your question:

I'm a beginner looking for a camera that will last me for a few years, is there much difference between the 350d and the 400d, and if there is, could I warrant spending the extra £100 on getting the 400d over the 350d?

You didn't mention financial restrictions, I took the basic assumption that you had the cash...

Given that few camera bits come in less than fifty quid a shot, perhaps a DSLR isn't the game for you?