beginner need light help.

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Could I get some direction on a small portable light that can be carried in a back pack and runs off batteries. I am new to lighting and really don't know what's available. When ever I search it I come up with a million lights that are not what I'm looking for. I would like to have a light that is adjustable and if if possible have one that I can attach some kind of defuser. The latter is not as important to me as being adjustable. There are times that I just need a little front light for a subject and do not want to use a flash. Being so new to this I don't even know what this type of light is called.

Thanks for the help.
If its not a flash system and just something to provide some front lighting then the only thing I can think of is the lights used by campers etc. Simple LED lantern style that run on batteries and many have an adjustable setting for the light strength. A decent one is about £25. I am pretty sure you can DIY something to diffuse the light.
Barr that its back to a flash that you can control the strength and can shoot off camera via a trigger and receiver or synch cable. Just depends on the budget.

Could I get some direction on a small portable light that can be carried in a back pack and runs off batteries. I am new to lighting and really don't know what's available. When ever I search it I come up with a million lights that are not what I'm looking for. I would like to have a light that is adjustable and if if possible have one that I can attach some kind of defuser. The latter is not as important to me as being adjustable. There are times that I just need a little front light for a subject and do not want to use a flash. Being so new to this I don't even know what this type of light is called.

Thanks for the help.

Why not use flash? That's what it's made for and does exactly what you want.

You may be thinking about LED video lights. They have their uses but are very limited compared to flash and the light output is relatively feeble.
I agree with Hoppy. Flash will give you a much more versatility than continuous light for photography lighting.

However, if you are set on buying continuous, Arri do some good video lights, which a lot of wedding photographers use. Their biggest (and dare I say, only) advantage being what you see is what you get light, which a lot of portable flash don't give you. But the application is limited, so beware. Do more research before committing.