Best affordable film slr?

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Can anybody give me their opinion on their favourite film slr and let it be affordable, thanks
Affordability varies - for some people anything more than a fiver is too much and for some people spending hundreds on film equipment is no problem. Depends really.

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bias opinion as i own them

try looking for a Canon AE-1, A-1 or a T90

as these use FD lenses which are readily available on eBay
Damn another NSFW thread that pulled me in but left me unsatisfied :LOL:

I have a Canon A-1 and it's great, takes very good pictures. My personal favourite at the moment is the Nikon EM, so much fun to shoot with.
Well, there hasn't been a bad camera mentioned so far, but it would be a lot easier if we had some idea how much you want to spend, and whether you're looking for a late model with a few bells and whistles like auto focus, or a much earlier manual focus camera.
As CT mentioned, we need to know a bit more, such as (but not inclusively);
Sort of pics you want to take
Manual only
Auto modes
Pre AF
Lens comparability with dSLR
Lens availability

For my bias, I love my M.E. Super and have just taken the heart-wrenching decision to put my OM10 kit up for sale. 'There can be only one' lol
Other have mentioned their own favourites and they're, like mine, personal choices.
Oh a budget will be a big help, too :)
Kodak Instamatic, cuts off heads perfectly if you can get one. As my early years work goes to show.
there are loads of good choices to be made just let us know what ** thinking / budget / shooting style etc.
Personally I like the Canon eos 3 and eos 1v - both of which were pro spec before digital crashed the party - my '3 was £150 sh in jessops about 5 years ago, I also have an eos 30E which i got off ebay for 50 odd notes
Out of the ones I own, I'll echo much of what's been said above and go with the A-1 for manual focus and the EOS 3 for and autofocus body. I've never cared much for shutter priority, so the AE-1 has consequently never appealed.

FD lenses for the A-1 are cheaper than EF lenses for the EOS, though they seem to be appreciating in value as the micro 4/3 crowd (which I've just joined) are snapping them up.

However, as others have asked, what's your budget?
4 days .....19 response...............:shrug:
The most affordable film slr is whatever is on ebay at a bargain. Many many people don't know what they have got or are just clearing out "rubbish" from the attic. You can see some real high ends people paid thousands for go for £50.

I bought a mint canon (1999 model) EOS 300 with it's kit lens for £10 (average price about £40) and a HP 3800 scanjet for £8 - the person selling that clearly didn't know it also did negatives. (I watched a 1970s nikon with four lenses, flash and custom strap go for £180 yesterday.)

The trick is to have wiki timelines open and just cross reference.
For me, the Nikon F2. They're getting long in the tooth now though, and good ones can be a bit pricey, but they're pretty bulletproof.