Best Wide Angle Lens for Canon 450d

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Hi All

I'm new here and cannot seem to find any answers online which are up to date. I've had my Canon DSLR 450d for nearly a year now with the standard lens that came in the bundle. I'm now looking to purchase a Wide Angle Lens and Jessops recommended the Canon 28mm EF 2.8 however when I got it home, it's just a standard lens and not wide angle so will be taking it back this weekend.

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations as I really don't know where to start or what to look for to ensure I get a wide angle lens? I love to take pictures of landscapes and scenery and going on a Cruise in September which I would love to able to take these type of photo's in Italy etc.

Any help is really appreciated.
Many Thanks
I suspet you are after wide angle with some zoom range.
Right It might help if you tell us what your budget is?
Sorry, forgot that bit!

I've got up to £600 to spend but want to keep it lower than that if I can to be honest.

Someone recommended the Sigma 10-20mm and I've just looked online and its around £420.

I'm very new to using a DSLR so really haven't got a clue where to start or look for hence the need for help from you people who are more experience than myself.

You have said that you want wide angle as you currently have a kit lens so I assume you currently with a short end focal range of 17mm if you need to go wider I would suggest you need to go to something like a 10-20mm lens

I'm a little bit confused as to why you would get a 28mm as you should have been aware what that focal length should look like from your kit lens.

You can of course go for an even wider lens such as a fish eye lens, I would not get too caught up in low f/stop lens as if landscapes are you thing I very much doubt you would get a lot of use out of such a wider aperture

Well I personaly got some bad experience with sigmas, but anyway. Ive never used sigma 10-20mm.
If your budget is about £600 i would go for Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 or maybe 12-24mm f/4 (they both go about 500-600) OR get Canon 17-40mm f4 (amazing piece of glass, which deffinitley will serve you well)
...OR get Canon 17-40mm f4 (amazing piece of glass, which deffinitley will serve you well)

I see no advantage what so ever in getting the 17-40mm as the OP already has the kit lens which covers this focal length.

OP... there are several lenses in the 10-20mm type range and these are well worth looking at. Wide angle lenses are possibly the most creative lenses you can use and it might well be worth reading up on using them. Google "using wide angle lenses" or something like that and I'm sure that you'll be able to find your way to some helpful hints and tips.

About that 28mm f2.8. Prime lenses are lovely but I personally see no advantage in buying prime lenses of f2.8 or slower as you can get a zoom for that. I like wide aperture primes and of course macro lenses are very useful and could be f2.8 but personally I wouldn't give shelf space to someting like that 28mm f2.8.
Thanks all

The 2 kit lenses I got were the Canon 18mm - 55mm & the Canon 75mm - 300mm. Which have served me well over the past year but now want to be a little more creative with my landscape and holiday photo's and have some vouchers I can use towards a new lens so thought if I haven't got to pay for it then go for it!
Tokina 11-16 is very well regarded - better IQ than the Sigma. Personally and although I have heard reports to the contrary my Tamron 10-24 was a brilliant and cheap (200 and a bit second hand 300 new) but a bit indecisive focusing.

Having said all that everybody with a Canon bodies raves about the 10-22L
The Canon 10-22mm isn't an L. It's an EF-S lens and Canon don't make any L EF-S lenses.
Hi All

I'm new here and cannot seem to find any answers online which are up to date. I've had my Canon DSLR 450d for nearly a year now with the standard lens that came in the bundle. I'm now looking to purchase a Wide Angle Lens and Jessops recommended the Canon 28mm EF 2.8 however when I got it home, it's just a standard lens and not wide angle so will be taking it back this weekend.

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations as I really don't know where to start or what to look for to ensure I get a wide angle lens? I love to take pictures of landscapes and scenery and going on a Cruise in September which I would love to able to take these type of photo's in Italy etc.

Any help is really appreciated.
Many Thanks

Ha jessops recommending a 28. 2.8 for a wide angle for crop? :bang:

But anyway your best options would be Canon 10-22 (used about £470?)or Tokina 11-16 (used about £400)

If you want the best resolution Samyang 14mm - but be aware its completely manual. But only £250 new!
28mm is wide - well on full frame. On your crop its good for portraits, but the really low light f1.8/f1.4 might have been better.

If you haven't taken it back yet, take a few portraits with it on f2.8 and f4 see whether it deserves a space in your bag :) (also compare the same of your kit lens)

I have the tokina 11-16 f2.8 on the nikon and its a wonderful lens (assuming you get a good quality one - they suffer a few like sigmas)

If you want to see the sort of shots you get I prefer the 11mm end - they are on the flickr link in the sig... right hand side>Sets>Tokina 11-16.

Its roughly 450 ukp so you'd still have a bit spare from your budget for a different lens should you want one :)
Sigma 10-20mm
Tokina 11-16mm
Canon 10-20mm

In order of budget are the best.
woof woof said:
The Canon 10-22mm isn't an L. It's an EF-S lens and Canon don't make any L EF-S lenses.

That's correctamundo but this lens is talked about as one of the few that very nearly deserves that famous red ring due to image and build quality.

I had one when I had my 400d then my 40d but got rid when I went full frame.
i was in the same situation last year, and tried many things including a king 0.7 conversion ring for the std lens, i ended up with a sigma 10-20mm that i got 2nd hand for £220 , its amazing... and the one lens i have on the camera all the time ! that with a ND110 filter and im always very pleased with the results, its not the sort of lens that jessops have in stock , i ended up going through gumtree and finding one for sale , then went to test it and bought it - never looked back !
I had a Sigma 10-20 when I had a 450. Very good lens, did all that I asked of it.
I see no advantage what so ever in getting the 17-40mm as the OP already has the kit lens which covers this focal length.

OP... there are several lenses in the 10-20mm type range and these are well worth looking at. Wide angle lenses are possibly the most creative lenses you can use and it might well be worth reading up on using them. Google "using wide angle lenses" or something like that and I'm sure that you'll be able to find your way to some helpful hints and tips.

About that 28mm f2.8. Prime lenses are lovely but I personally see no advantage in buying prime lenses of f2.8 or slower as you can get a zoom for that. I like wide aperture primes and of course macro lenses are very useful and could be f2.8 but personally I wouldn't give shelf space to someting like that 28mm f2.8.

I do see advantage of geting 17-40, it is just a better lens than kit.
I do see advantage of geting 17-40, it is just a better lens than kit.
There are better value lenses that cover that range for crop sensors...
I do see advantage of geting 17-40, it is just a better lens than kit.
The OP wants a lens wider than the one she's already got, so advising something that is already in her focal range doesn't make a lot of sense IMO, especially as she hasn't expressed any problems with her current lens.

To the OP: I've been looking at the same thing myself and the general opinion seems to be that the Canon 10-22mm is the best ultra wide angle lens you can get for your camera, but it's also the most expensive (around £580 new, between £450-£500 2nd hand). If you want the best UWA, that's the one I'd recommend. Maybe take your camera down to your local camera shop and see if they have that in stock, and take a few test shots with it and see how you like it.
The only reason to use a 17-40 on a crop camera is so that you can say you have an L lens! Otherwise there are lenses out there that have a better range than the 17-40 to replace a kit lens. The 17/18-50's from the 3rd party suppliers and the canon 17-55 are all much better.

To the OP- the canon 10-22 is supposed to be very good but in your position I would get the siggy 10-20 and use the money left over to replace the kit lens with a 17-50 from tamron. The fixed f2.8 will help you with your creativity! ;)
The Canon 10-22 is definitely the best, but it depends on your pocket as to how much better you perceive it to be than the Sigma 10-20mm or Tokina 11-16mm.

My one piece of wisdom is that every mm at the wide end when you get this wide is a hell of a load of difference, hence the Canon or the Sigma would be my choice, but the Sigma isn't as good optically as the Tokina, which in turn is slightly less than the Canon.

So best range and best optically is the Canon... but its the most expensive, by about 50%
Assuming you are happy with the kit lens and zoom lens you have then as suggested above I would look at ultra wide angle lenses in the 10 to 20mm range.
The three big contenders have been mentioned above, canon, tokina and sigma.
The sigma comes in two variants, f4-5.6 and a constant f3.5

UWA's are obviously good for cramming more into the frame but view can also be used for creative close up shots wide open, you can get some nice distorted effects.
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If you want something that can replace your kit lens then the Canon EF-S 15-85MM F3.5-5.6IS is wider, longer and has excellent IQ
If you want something much wider then the Canon EF-S 10-22mm f3.5-4.5 USM is an excellent choice.

Each is within your budget but at the top end.
I'm in the market for the same lens on a 450D too, and I've been looking at the Canon 10-22mm.

However, I was wondering - if I upgraded my camera in a year or two (to another Canon), would the lens still be suitable?

I'd shell out on a Canon lens, but only really if it would be worth it long term - otherwise the Sigma is tempting.
shell_w said:
I'm in the market for the same lens on a 450D too, and I've been looking at the Canon 10-22mm.

However, I was wondering - if I upgraded my camera in a year or two (to another Canon), would the lens still be suitable?

I'd shell out on a Canon lens, but only really if it would be worth it long term - otherwise the Sigma is tempting.

As long as you stay on a crop sensor canon when you upgrade then them lens will work fine
Canon 17-40 is not good value for IQ on a crop camera - there are better performing lenses (IQ wise) for less on an APS-C, such as the Tamron 17-50.

Also I wouldn't keep the 28. 2.8 - I haven't tested it myself but according to reviews its a bit of a useless lens because :



When a cheaper zoom will outperform a prime (albeit the comparison here is 28mm vs 24mm) its not really worth keeping.
travellingcello said:
Canon 17-40 is not good value for IQ on a crop camera - there are better performing lenses (IQ wise) for less on an APS-C, such as the Tamron 17-50.

Yep life doesn't always revolve around a red ring!
if you want a wide angle lens, my philosphy is to get a wiiiidddee angle lens.

I had that dilemma a couple of weeks ago and tried the nikon, tamron, sigma and tokinas. I ended up going for the sigma 8-16 as that extra 2/3 mm makes a huge difference.
Doh sorry :) go for a canon 10-20 if you have the budget !

Yes, do. But remember, if you end up loving photography and want to move to a full frame camera, you'll ave to get rid of the 10-22mm (thats unless you want two camera bodies) as its an EF-S Lens and wont fit on a full frame.
As long as you stay on a crop sensor canon when you upgrade then them lens will work fine

As long as you stay on a 1.6 crop you mean... the 1.3 crop of a 1D series doesn't work *properly* with EFS lenses...

So unless our friend doesn't buy a 5D or 1D series, they will be fine :)
Yes, do. But remember, if you end up loving photography and want to move to a full frame camera, you'll ave to get rid of the 10-22mm (thats unless you want two camera bodies) as its an EF-S Lens and wont fit on a full frame.
10-22 will hold its value. There isn't an equivalent range zoom in EF fitting (the Sigma 12-24 is a bit variable). Buy the lens for the camera you have, not the one you might possibly buy in a while...
Had the Sigma 10-20 and now the Canon 10-22mm, prefer the latter for the colour and contrast it gives, definitely different and more pleasing to my eye if that makes any sense
Yes, do. But remember, if you end up loving photography and want to move to a full frame camera, you'll ave to get rid of the 10-22mm (thats unless you want two camera bodies) as its an EF-S Lens and wont fit on a full frame.

So if you "love" photography you need a FF camera?! :wacky:
Thanks all

Been down to our local camera shop today and tried out the Tamron 10-24mm and the Sigma 10 -20mm. Given the additional amount of the Canon one I think I'll stick with one of these. But if the price of the Canon comes down somewhat in the next few days, then I'll rethink!
I bought the Tamron 10-24mm as It would be a lens that would not be on the camera alot if you know what I mean.
It gives great IQ and does what it is intended to do.
If in the future you decide that landscape etc is really your passion then when upgrading the camera you can upgrade this lens too and not take a big hit on the price.
