Between Takes

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I took this grab shot between the takes of Barry's photoshoot of my darling Granddaughters. They were doing some handwriting homework, not that Maddie gets homework, she just likes to keep up with everything that's going on. I loved the natural light and shadows playing across them all :)

very candid. nice!
Girl, you gonna have a photo album (or seventy) to be proud of in the future!
Girl, you gonna have a photo album (or seventy) to be proud of in the future!

You betta believe it ... hard disks a-go-go ;)

So that's whjy my memory card filled up quicker than I expected :eek:
Imagine sleeping on an uncomfortable bed-settee and waking up to a vision of a tiny girl in her Santa dress looking at you, then she cuddles Barry, then she leaves the room and as an afterthought she says 'I love you Barry!'.....its just heaven!
Yep, takes your breath away. Absolutely priceless.......
The moments we all live for as parents :love:
:D I remember when I went home to my parents, I slept in late cause I went out late with my old mates the night before. My elder sister dropped by with my baby niece and plonked her on the bed to wake me up. She was crawling over me and patting my face and cooing and giggling. Can't really get angry at her for waking me up. :LOL:
I agree. The moment I opened it I was going to comment on the bits of light being too bright....but then it looked good! The darkness behind him makes it all look kind of special. Nice one Marianne.(y)