Big Sky Over North Yorkshire

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As I drove home tonight the sun behind me to the West was illuminating the brewing storm clouds over the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds. I drove through the rain and found this location where the farmer had already harvested the crops leaving stubble at the front of the view, and golden crops at the back. The last rays of sun were falling on the crop giving it a lovely golden glow. The clouds opened just as I finished.

I used a 3 stop hard edged ND grad over the sky to emphasise the cloud towering above. It also stopped the bright spot on the right from blowing out (becoming pure white). Using a tripod I used quite a long shutter speed of 1 second which in the strong wind gave a little movement to the cloud.

This was a new location for me, towards Wintringham near Malton. It has potential for future photos and I am sure I will be back.

Big Sky Over North Yorkshire by mark_mullen, on Flickr
Lovely shot, yeah worth going back and doing seasonal comparison shot or similiar
That's great Mark, really dramatic and unusually yellow reflection in clouds, a bit of a special momentus capture (y)
Nice! Great contrast between the sky on the right and the rest of it as well :)
Brilliant. The filter has worked perectly here giving lovely exposure throurout.

I can't work out if it is over sharpened slightly, or if it's my monitor?

I personally feel all the greenery doesn't add to the image and I would be tempted to crop.

Lovely movement in the sky. :)
brill **** noticed last night on youe flickr what s it look lik e with hte greenery cropped out