Bin Man

wow his guitar playing must be really bad if he needs to play in a bin to get a few pennies in his hat.
Nice shots....a regular site in Cambridge, when I walked past had to do a few double takes!
today in a bin in the street...

tomorrow on xfactor in a bin....

cant argue that hes 'one of a kind', in a 'niche' market, and he can operate in all weather!!!
It's the best way to busk when you've got the perfect face for radio - don't want to scare off the punters! :eek:
Thanks for the comments, Cambridge has its fair share of buskers and its refreshing to see someone making a bit more of an effort to be a bit different. he even covers the bin over when he's not in it to stop tourists putting rubbish in it :)
If I were to say rubbish, that would be a very cheap pun! :)