Bird identity help x 2

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Hi folks, had a short walk this morning, and discovered 2 birds I hadn't seen before.

The first was a small ground feeding bird probably a bit bigger than a robin (definitely not a thrush or fieldfare - much more slight and small). It was walking around the frozen shallow parts of the pool, and seemed to be looking for food. It had what I think was a husband / wife close by which looked much the same. I think it probably predominantly stays by the pond, as stayed there - didn't seem to want to fly into the trees. Any ideas? I thought initially a meadow pipet but I think they are more farm land?

HSC_7264 by Gilbo B, on Flickr
HSC_7262 by Gilbo B, on Flickr

Second one had an unusual call - I knew I hadn't heard it before, and by the time it eventually made an appearance, flew in a hurry up in the tree, then away. I think there was another, but couldn't see it. It was near the same pool as the above bird. I would say about pigeon sized - quite a fat stout body in flight - grey back and white or pale colouring underside. I know it's a poor picture, unfortunately I didn't get anymore opportunities to take a photo as shortly after taking this one it flew off. Maybe the feet, and feather structure might give you guys a clue as to what it might have been.

HSC_7250 by Gilbo B, on Flickr

Thanks in advance!!
Meadow pipit and mistle thrush for me
I'm pretty sure it wasn't a thrush, I've a feeling it was something unusual. Hopefully it will be there again next weekend.
The thrush could be Fieldfare.
The thrush could be Fieldfare.

I think you are right actually, after listening to the call of the fieldfare on xeno-canto it's exactly what I heard before it appeared and flew off. Hurray, mystery solved!!
P.S. what an unusual sound it makes, almost like 2 birds are having a squabble.
If it was not way to early I would have guessed Cuckoo, but they do not arrive back till April/May normally, other
than that I have no idea
First two look like a meadow pipit to me. One in the tree could be anything similar, but not enough detail for +ID...........Mj
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