Birds needed - no experience necessary!

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I would love to capture garden birds in action like Roger Hance, Andy Rouse etc. I have the photographic kit but am lacking the subject!

I live in a built up area in Hampshire and have a smallish garden which is surrounded by other gardens. Birds are not in short supply but I cannot seem to attract them. One of the problems I have identified is that the gardens next to me have much better cover for the birds in the form of bushes and trees, I do have some but not many. My neighbour has feeding stations which the birds visit regularly in preference to mine, flitting in and out from the local bushes. This also means that they can afford to be picky!
Can anyone suggest a relatively quick/easy fix to attract the birds?

No absolute quick fix.... .

Plant some cover shrubs including pollinator plants ;)

As you have noted birds 'like' and benefit from such cover plantings to access the feeders.

Don't forget water, they will use it for both bathing & drinking.

Also, think about what food you are offering?
I would consider providing a water source. There are options for a drip hose/pool or a circulating bird bath. Food + water tend to attract birds more frequently.
A bird bath / water feature will most likely go down very well with the birds. I bought one and the birds regularly drink and splash about in it.
What type of food are in the feeders ??? if it is the general bird mix you get in the pound shop then that is not all that good. Sunflower hearts are a good bet as well as crushed peanut kibble.
I do have a small birdbath but not moving water, maybe I will give that a try. As for food I have tried many varieties but the do have plenty of choice in the surrounding gardens.
If your neighbour is already feeding them, they're close, so you need to feed them better than the neighbour to get them the last 20' or so! As Pauls says, premium mixes or single seed varieties will tend to work better for some species - our local goldfinches like the sunflower hearts and niger seeds, as do the sparrows while the robins and starlings (which are a PITA!) like dried mealworms. We have a large plantpot saucer as a bird bath and that gets freshened up every day (with rainwater from a butt).