Black Five at Newton Meadows

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Against my better judgement (the weather) I went to Newton Meadows, by Corston outside Bath, to catch this loco again,the one I photographed at Bath station last week. 45212. I was meeting up with a friend so soldiered on.

It's the Cathedrals Express running from Alton (East Hampshire) to Bath. There's currently a christmas market at Bath.The light was very poor and it drizzled a short while before it came through. and the ground was mud and sodden.Not ideal.

The building in the background of numbers 3 & 4 is Kelston Park..a grade 11 listed building as are the gardens . I think it's used as a business centre now. For those with an interest.




What a pity about the light John, 1 & 2 give a lovely view of the train ... can they be lightened & sharpened a little or has the RAW file given its best?
What a pity about the light John, 1 & 2 give a lovely view of the train ... can they be lightened & sharpened a little or has the RAW file given its best?

Thanks,Roger. It often takes another eye to see what extra needs this case further exposure increase and sharpening. I've never used sharpened locos so I tried it on these.The only subjects I've sharpened have been the birds/waterfowl and because of the detail to be brought out in the feathers so when I applied it to the whole train.even the smoke, just now I was surprised that it enhanced it. I don't suppose I should have been. I did it via a mask in Elements 11. I should have tried before and see what happened.

If you think anymore needs doing please say. I won't add any that I further edit as it can become a bit of a long thread,having said that this is what it's all about..critique and re- presenting for further appraisal. Hopefully, the exposure increase and sharpening has done the trick. In future I'll take the exposure up past what it should be and bring it back,I tend to be a pit pun upping exposure. No preview to see in a reply..pity.

I've also sharpened photo 3 now and taken up the exposure and it looks much better.


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Photo 3 exposure increased and sharpening done, including the big house. Sky darkened a tad too for good

Really appreciate your input..thanks.

I think that brightening them up does help John ... I think it is always better to slightly over-expose and bring back in processing rather than under-expose and lighten the shadows as that tends to bring out any noise. :)
That's exactly what I did, too. Lighten the shadows, so I'll bear that in mind, i.e.. it introduces noise.

I like last week's Bath station photo so much (same loco) I'll put it through Elements sharpening too and will do so with all future loco shots.

Time to unwrap the Sigma.I picked it up today. :)
Hi John, 1 and 2 for me there, nice to get the whole train in view! This doesn't happen very often in pics for me. The edits are certainly better, making number 2 edited the picture of the set for me. I spent ages trying to edit my earl of mount edgcumbe pics last night, lighting made it tricky. Unwrap the sigma? What lens have you treated yourself too?
Hi John, 1 and 2 for me there, nice to get the whole train in view! This doesn't happen very often in pics for me. The edits are certainly better, making number 2 edited the picture of the set for me. I spent ages trying to edit my earl of mount edgcumbe pics last night, lighting made it tricky. Unwrap the sigma? What lens have you treated yourself too?

Hi Michael.Thanks. I was a bit concerned re. how the size of the train would turn out as sometimes when you get there whole length in the price you pay is a miniature train but it';s worked out ok this time.

Yes, I've bought the Sigma 150-600. I can't justify there £8000 that a Canon 500f4 costs.It;'s just a hobby.Gramps (Roger-above) suggested I look at it. I looked at photos taken with it..on Osprey.. and they looked very good. I looked at several reviews,all in all just the ticket. I do think it will need good light days though as it's f5.6 at the long end f4.5 at 150mm. So, f8 will be the so-called sweet spot.
Hi Michael.Thanks. I was a bit concerned re. how the size of the train would turn out as sometimes when you get there whole length in the price you pay is a miniature train but it';s worked out ok this time.

Yes, I've bought the Sigma 150-600. I can't justify there £8000 that a Canon 500f4 costs.It;'s just a hobby.Gramps (Roger-above) suggested I look at it. I looked at photos taken with it..on Osprey.. and they looked very good. I looked at several reviews,all in all just the ticket. I do think it will need good light days though as it's f5.6 at the long end f4.5 at 150mm. So, f8 will be the so-called sweet spot.

Nice, I have one, the c version, it's a great lens and very usable.Im sure you will enjoy it.
I see you caught her, John, a few days after I did at Ropley. She's certainly a credit to the team at Bury who keep her running.
Nice chaps too, judging from the couple of guys from the support crew I was chatting too / serving beer to as they scrounged a lift on the RAT from Ropley into Alton to get some nosebag.
I see you caught her, John, a few days after I did at Ropley. She's certainly a credit to the team at Bury who keep her running.
Nice chaps too, judging from the couple of guys from the support crew I was chatting too / serving beer to as they scrounged a lift on the RAT from Ropley into Alton to get some nosebag.

Bit muddy in the field, Needs must, I suppose. So.. very muddy and poor light but we persevere don't we..:)

Nice to have a chat with crew too.Learn things that way.