Black or White mounts


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LONG ago, about twenty years mounts for comps came in all colours from red to purple, however I have been advised (getting back into it) that a set size of mount is advised and no larger than XxX and backed with NO sellotape/masking tape etc.

ALL of which I agree with, however, when mounting a mono what colour mount would you use, black or white.

Also I know, technically neither black nor white are in fact colours, black absorbes all colours therefore is black and white reflects all colours of the spectrum therefore is not a true colour, so I have chosen coal black and off white !

Oh I forgot to say that the club said judges these days are fussy about mounts and that they prefer white....?
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A black mount will also make all the tones appear lighter in the print - and vice versa
Oh I forgot to say that the club said judges these days are fussy about mounts and that they prefer white....?

If they're for a competition I think there's your answer :)

However, from a purely aesthetic point of view, I'd say that it would depend on the individual photograph, the subject matter and tonal range. As David said, the colour of the mount affects how our eyes perceive the brightness of the image.
I'd also be wary of using an off-white mount for a mono with a lot of true white in it, as it could make the mount look grimy (and vice versa for a mono with a lot of true blacks - a slightly off-black mount might end up looking faded)
has as already been said , mounts affect the image in it, but also judges are all different, there is no simple answer to how the judge will score images.

cheers Steve
has as already been said , mounts affect the image in it, but also judges are all different, there is no simple answer to how the judge will score images.

cheers Steve

That is what I believe, as I said in my question do people prefer black or white mounts or what other colour, there are no rules it is just that it has been implied that "all" judges prefer black or white"" mounts.

Have any others here found that when entering a competition.
I'd say get whatever color, size and format YOU think works best with the print ie; letter box, square, centered or not, comp's should NEVER be about what you think a judge will like, it's about you getting your favorite photo's out there to see if others love them too and getting feed back, constructive criticism, tips and idea's that you can take on board to further your craft. Don't take it too seriously, have fun, and do it your own way, judges get bored too so give them your take on a well presented photo... and enjoy it, good luck (y)
also remember - as someone once said to me

"there's no point in gilding a turd...."

Good Presentation won't rescue a poor image - a good image will always bubble to the top..