Black & White

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Was tring to achieve a film like look with this one....
It's a great conversion mate but a little small to appreciate it fully.
I like the lighting.

A trick I use for 'film' like conversions apart from the obligatory sepia toning is the use of the film grain filter available in most if not all recent versions of Photoshop. (Filter>Artistic>Film Grain and only available in 8 bit mode)

I put the 'film grain' on it's own layer by creating a 50% grey layer above the image layer
(Alt-click the new layer icon, choose 'Overlay' blending mode and tick the box that says 'Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray)'

Apply the 'film grain' to that layer which allows you to reduce the opacity to fine tune the effect.

PS: do any 'digital noise' reduction and sharpening first!
i like this, needs to be a bit bigger as Bachs says
Looks pretty good from here ... although those stray branches spoil the effect a tad ... and the double framing doesn't work for me I'm afraid Ghandi ... !
'tis indeed a bit small, doesn't seem to bother the missus though. hehe.

I was trying to make it so people wouldn't have to scroll to see the whole thing, next time you get the full 800!

@bachs.....I was trying the diffuse glow filter, it has it's own grain and produces some nice glow around the hihlights.

for the record, the conversion was done under RAW as I'm finding this a much better method these days, the tint and white balance slider take on a whole new function once you drop the saturation to zero.
I like the comp as well as it being in B&W, I also like the way you're lead over the bridge and through the gap in the wall all in all a very nice image Gandhi.
However not over keen on the double framing as it's not working for me sorry mate.
Yeah, I'm not convinced by the frame either, the keyline is a bit tight in on the shot.

I was tempted to 'garden' the shot, literally in this case! don't think the NT would've been happy with me lopping off branches though!